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Pokemon Special manga book club continues on April 27th at 4pm EST/1pm PST. We're reading up through the end of the Gold, Silver, and Crystal arcs, covering up to Volume 14.

In my memory, Gold/Silver/Crystal ends up being the highlight of the series. Will I still think that?! Well, I remembered thinking Yellow was really cool and it was kind of a slog this time, so who knows.

What ridiculous ways will characters throw Pokeballs? Will Blue still be the objective best character?! Find out next time on POKEMON.


Jello's Pokemon Adventure Book Club! Volumes 8-14 (Patreon Stream)

If you are seeing this you are on the patreon! THANKS! Jello's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jelloapocalypse Aloha does other stuff on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Stabbyness



I'm a little mad that the reason Crys lost her catching ability was a mental block and not a physical injury when she FELL FROM THE TOP OF A TOWER. Would have been a GREAT way to get her and Red introduced to each-other earlier on in the story by having her go to the hot springs to heal.


It was mentioned a couple of times in the video about making a imgur post for conversations about panels, was there a link somewhere that I missed?