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It's time for another fully-voiced stream. This time we're playing my sister's very own PIZZA GAME, the shitpost dating sim where everything is spelled wrong and all the characters are terrible.

Pizza Game dropped in 2019 and we never really had time to do anything about it because Plaster was busy (read: didn't want to) and I was busier (read: dying in the worst part of Epithet Erased crunch). So now, we're reading it! We being these people:

Jello - Kiane, Sensei, Sav
Arim - Mr. Arimnaes, Chris, Boo, Siv
Lenti - Lamp, Keen, Johnny, Will, Office Lady
Chula - Inner Kiane, Roobit, Brain

Yes, Kiane "Chula" King is not playing Kiane. Thanks to discord lag, it's always best if the person controlling the game and clicking the dialogue forward plays the character with the most dialogue, so I'm going to be Kiane. Real Kiane will instead be playing Inner Kiane so she can vent her frustrations.

I briefly thought about trying to co-ordinate a version of this play-through where the whole friend group of people these characters are loosely based on appeared to play themselves, but Pizza Game has uniquely difficult dialogue to sight read. Even some of our usual crew isn't really equipped to deal with that in a streaming environment, so instead we have the people who are best at sight-reading nonsense to cover for us.

And Chula is here!!!

I hope you join us for the insane and horrible adventure that is Pizza Game.


I highly recommend installing the patch that disables Roobit Snacks. Plaster felt bad about needing to patch some extra stuff in after launch, so she added a mini-game where the player randomly acquires "Roobit Snacks", even on menus. The noise the Roobit Snacks make is. So fucking loud. And awful. I pleaded with her to remove this last minute feature that imo makes the game kind of unplayable if you have any kind of misophonia, but she didn't. Plaster never listens to me. :)

She did however listen to someone else who came to her with the exact same issue, but she didn't edit the Steam package. The updated version is only available on Itch.io as an additional tag. You can edit a steam version too, but it's not up on the Steam page as far as I'm aware. Be sure to disable Roobit Snacks! They are bad!!!!


Pizza Game (Fully-Voiced) Part 1

Did you know Jello and his sister made a Visual Novel? Well now you do! #gaming #jelloapocalypse #pizzagame



By the way, I was wondering if you'd be interested of playing Unicorn Overlord? It's somewhat Fire Emblem-like fantasy strategy game with over 60 recruitable characters.


as someone who played via steam and pretty much never buys stuff on itchio i owe you my life. i did not know there was a way to remove roobit snacks.