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Hey all! We're back with a brand new book club. You voted for Pokemon Adventures aka Pokemon Special, the only Pokemon thing with good writing.* This is the Pokemon series where Pokemon die and the characters are metal as hell. When it's good, it's VERY good.

Like with One Piece, this first book club meeting will be open to all patrons so you can decide if you're interested in reading along with us. For those who don't know how book club works, you're given an assigned reading (in this case Chapters 1-90 of Pokemon Special, which is up through the end of the Yellow arc). Your job is to read all the chapters by the date of the book club meeting, and then we all get together and talk about it.

This book club only features me and Aloha, so we need a lot of people to hop on so we don't get lonely!

Q: Jello, where do I read the Manga?
A: PokeManga is a tricky guy to find in its entirety. This first meeting requires the first seven volumes. Volumes 1-4 are fairly common to see in most book stores or libraries, but beyond that the series gets very spotty. Normally I don't outright recommend piracy and instead just heavily imply that's the thing you should do, but this time I think I have to offer at least this reddit link.

If you are a Gen Z child who has never pirated manga before, ideally you're going to want to be on a desktop for this. Something that can install UBlock Origin, which is like Adblock but way better. It's easy to install on your browser. I think even Android phones can use it, but not Apple products.

If none of the reddit links above work for you, just google "Read Pokemon Special online" and browse various manga sites. They go up and down all the time. I've read this series a few times before and, to my recollection, it's pretty easy to find everything in this first sitting. It's only around post-Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald that things get so hard to find I'll actually have to supply links personally.

Volumes 1-7 are available as a box set from Amazon for a pretty low price.

Also, I'm warning everyone in advance: All the leads in this series are named after the title of the game they're from. There are two characters named Green and Blue, after Pokemon Green and Pokemon Blue. Because Green only came out in Japan, the localizers in the English version renamed the rival/Gary Oak character to Blue, and then swapped the original female lead (Blue) to Green.

I am going to be calling the male rival Green and the female lead Blue.

So, to be clear, this is Green:

...and this is Blue

If we don't standardize this up front things are going to get very confusing. I don't care what translation you read or how many times the scanlations change it back and forth, I will never deviate from this. These are their actual names and their volumes and color schemes are based on their JP names. The boy is Green, the girl is Blue. Got it? Great.

Happy reading, excited to see you all at book club!

*except Mystery Dungeon sometimes


Jello's Pokemon Adventure Book Club! Volumes 1-7

Since this is a longer series we are making the first one FREE FOR ALL! Read Vol 1-7! Jello's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jelloapocalypse Aloha's Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@Stabbyness Amy doesnt really have stuff but she is here and thats cool af


Candaru Driemor

Goddamn nobody else wanted to read Pokéspe?? cowards... fools.... they know not the power of sheer childlike joy and stupidity...

Moff Muppet

The way the characters act about Yellow's "secret", you'd expect her to have pokémon ears under that hat or something...


Alright I am extremely late but here we go, don't really have much to say other than that yeah Yellow's secret was probably just due to the fact that girl protagonist is scary back then and still is now in too many cases. I am also glad to hear that Blue is like re-occuring for future seasons of pokespe, because like she just does not get anywhere near the same screentime as Red and Green do despite nominally also being a protagonist. This probably due to the same reason as Yellow (girl scary). Aside from that Yellow is a fun character but her arc sucks sorry to say I just could not care for the Elite Four because ultimate genocide is rarely interesting as a villain motivation and the manga does not do any of the legwork to make it anything. And yellow's secret ended up being very funny for me because obviously I was like "that's the same character as the girl Red gave that Rattatta in Viridian Forest" but then because the manga tells me Yellow's a boy I go "oh sure I guess" at which point her being a girl actually ended up being surprising because I just did not take into account that this manga is from the 2000's and assumed at that point that Yellow's secret was that she's the same person that Red gave that Rattatta to. Because that's conceivably actually a secret that only Red could know lmao.