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As it turns out, someone just leaked every exclusive artwork to websites I don't recognize.
I don't know who it is, but I am sure he is one of my Patrons.
It's very disappointing.
I'm thinking hard right now if whether I'll change the tier rewards or not.



Oh for God’s sake. I don’t get why people do this shit. You gain nothing but a moment of fame/infamy, and stand to cost everyone else a significant amount by forcing the artist you’re stealing from to lock their content down even harder.


That’s annoying. I mean they don’t gain anything from that right? Did they just want to hurt you in any way or what? I don’t get it… Hope you find out who that is and that you can get the pics removed somehow


If it's a patron who leaked content, DM is useless ? People have no respect but you're not alone in this situation. If you can change tiers and I respect this decision but I don't know if I can follow.


It really is becoming hard to draw artworks nowadays with all this leak problems.


Don't worry. I'll leave the prices of each tier as it is. I'll only tweak the benefits and artwork watermarks.


Aw geez. That sucks.


it really sad to hear that those websites don t even care about art steeling. No matter what you change about the tiers, i ll still be following you


I guess your right. But I think I have some ideas that will discourage the leakers. And thanks :)


Of course one person has to ruin it for everyone else

Myos Niragawa

I'm really sorry for you, it must be really hard on your morale, big support!


Mate I feel you, this is why I gave up on making art. Two of my works were taken and claimed as someone else's, luckily I had the image date stamp to prove otherwise. Friends have had their work put up on that displate site, the one that makes metal posters, without permission

Daki Suggester

I spotted your work on another site, and came here specifically to financially support you so that you can continue. If it wasn't for your art posted on other websites, I would never have found you.


I appreciate your support 🙂 My intention was to advertise my artworks on Furaffinity, Deviantart, and Twitter only. All other websites are from those who didn't asked permission from me.


Thank you 🙂 I'll try not to get this into my head or this might affect the quality of my works 😅


I’m really sorry for your exclusive art being exposed like that. Hope you find a way to make this safe as possible.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 22:12:56 I know it would be hard, but I really wish there was some sorta program to record saved images & tag where they go. Kinda like a breadcrumb trail back to the original source! really sorry & I hope you find who did it!
2022-03-30 01:35:33 I know it would be hard, but I really wish there was some sorta program to record saved images & tag where they go. Kinda like a breadcrumb trail back to the original source! really sorry & I hope you find who did it!

I know it would be hard, but I really wish there was some sorta program to record saved images & tag where they go. Kinda like a breadcrumb trail back to the original source! really sorry & I hope you find who did it!


Only thing I could think of is not only having your water mark on it but also a water mark statement saying maybe something like this, "if you see this pic posted here instead of patreon its stolen." or something like that. Maybe if one person sees it and reports it something might happen.