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SFW Complete Update: Clocktower lighting scenes fixed up! End sequence added!
Now if only I didn't move the castle pieces outside of the sequencer for when I go back and make the nsfw version. Man, i'm still an idiot sometimes. But for now enjoy Miriam's Crushlevania!
Edit: I did not plan this out to be 46 pictures.

Midnight Update: I guess making the previous post gave me a bit more energy to finish up half of the clock tower scenes! (Naturally only now realized there's no purple lighting from the clock on Miriam until the last shot. I should sleep)

Update: Honestly not a great day for me for irl reasons screwing my focus but I still wanted to get a few important things done.
I've added a few pics with the stairwell scene after lighting it and compressed all the images by 25% in Affinity Photo so instead of being like 18mb per image, they're now around 1.6mb.
Because of the film grain, it's like zero quality drop. I've looked incredibly close for too much compression on this or that and honestly can't find anything different! Hopefully Patreon acts better with these!

Currently want to get what's currently done flowing into Patreon as I work on finishing the 2nd half!

NSFW Version still coming once SFW version is done.




ooh, i like this, i hope there will be a vid of this someday


Agh, It's gonna be a render set. So a bunch of pics. But great that it's good so far!


A NSFW version? I'll love it :3


I really like this. Please don't upload such large pictures to patreon. The patreon servers are way too slow to serve such large images and chrome also needs time to display such large pictures. I would much prefer if you could share the high quality images as a zip file and upload medium quality images to patreon (~3 MB - 5 MB).


OK! I've optimized the images for ya! Everything is closer to 1.6mb than the abhorrently high number before without quality drop!


Did the NSFW ever get put out not trying to rush just curious is all.


Ugh, man. , I couldn't get the damn thing to work right since the NSFW version was an entirely separate model where Miriam's head was placed onto a somewhat lookalike NSFW body. But not a damn thing lined up and I have no idea how to do skeleton retargeting.