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Now with the entire added beginning!

Still gotta get to facial expressions, but yeah. Definitely more to go back and polish.
But I worked pretty hard to get this out before the month was over.

After 8 hours of straight work, I am very tired.

Edit: Part where she stops and kinda raises her hands will involve her getting stopped by wire lanterns before growing to break through. As that's a whole 'nother process for just 1 wire set, I left it out for now.


Beidou Extended WiP Preview



I definitly love your work thank you for that


Holy Moly Drunkaroony. How the heck are you so quick? 😁


he went super saiyin last night


Any idea when we'll get to see this masterpiece? And will it have VR or First person view support?


100% this month. I have a few things left to do like polishing hand animations, destroy another building, and add on the wires she walks through near the beginning. Then it's sound and VA. As for VR, that will definitely be in. First person view I guess could work too, now that I think about it.