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LOTS of bug fixes and updates on this one. I've gotten insanely paranoid of visual mistakes ever since the whole feet-through-shoe thing with Michiru. 

This is like the 7th render I've been working on throughout the entire weekend to now for so many different issues popping up. Wall above door being open, random junk in the background that shouldn't be there, lighting on characters was different from the UE4 preview and required extensively going back and managing settings, shadow glitches fixed a bunch, floating objects, 1 frame scene transitions that had weird shit going on, disappearing rubble, added High Tier Patron names, added lights to the cars when braking, the bridge smoke timing is fixed, outside lighting snapping on at the wrong time, Rin's eyebrows brighter than everything, the stars in the sky are now visible, just...

Lots of fixes ever since i released that alpha version. This might be "The one" visually as a final render. I'm still debating if "Dark Rin" when she runs with the loaf looks pretty cool or is out of place.


Neko Lighting Check Mach 2


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