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Been trying to learn the thing I was missing with destruction and that was constraints. What the hell are those and what do they do? They make impacts spread their energy through the rest of the object. So instead of blowing through a wall like it's paper, pieces are pulled gradually with the impact.
This video shows the difference:

So I wanted that but I need something that exports to UE4 easily and is more manipulative than Blender physics all at once. Fracture Iterator NAILS this perfectly:

After a LOT of crashing with the new update to see what settings work well and fast, I finally added in learning Bullet Constraints... But nothing worked past 2.79 until I found this link in this vid:

The github link in the description brings the classic bullet constraints tool from 2.79 to new blender versions!

After even MORE crashing I finally figured out how to use it paired with Fracture Iterator. I kept adding constraints to the whole thing at first, but it all wobbled weird and didn't look right as the pieces wouldn't separate from each other acting like huge chunks of glue. So this time I decided to treat the bullet constraints the same as Fracture Iterator and constrain pieces at a time so that the initial impact is there along with giving that exact pull I needed to the surrounding wall parts. And then outside of the constraint range is Fracture Iterator keeping those parts in kinematic mode not responding to anything. I can decide when they do at anytime but they're intersecting with the ground so that's why the pieces suddenly explode later in the timeline. The kinematic stuff turned off later in the timeline.

Better yet! It seems I can fracture the flown off pieces even more and the constraints aren't affected at all! This is awesome! And all this can get baked to go into UE4 thanks to Fracture Iterator. This what's necessary for building destruction.

So yeah, I think i'm ready to take on Neko vid with this process for destruction! Although lately i've felt that things only work right if I remake the object i'm destroying. Kinda like how importing an mmd model and adding physics suddenly makes things run horrible and the physics blow up for no reason. I'll figure it out. This was really hard to figure out so i'll get there somehow.


Fracture Iterator WITH Bullet Tools Test


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