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The only things left to do are to do some more facial animations based on some lines, clothing physics, voice acting, and sound. A LOT of my time, what felt like the past few weeks, was studying destruction in Blender and MAN did it take so much time to get here. Now that I know the process, it's much more streamlined lately. Just lots to learn and still more to study. And VR mode. I'm also thinking of a first person mode.

Edit: Btw, Youtube REALLY likes this thumbnail. All 3 choices were just this.

Apparently Youtube really likes her feet for thumbnails. This current shot was choose-able twice and then the shoe burst scene.


Soundless Beta


Chibi Biscuit

This is turning out great! This has a certain manic energy all crammed into a itty bitty space. :D


Holy shit, it's Chibibiscuit! ... Sorry, force of habit! I love that you're loving it! I hope to add a bit more to the end so it's like super cramped and then end it there!


Super fun to see this after the informational video you put out on the process of it! Looking awesome man, nice work,


Youtube know what’s good my guy lol