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Ms. Marvel 4k VR finally rendered! Damn thing kept coming out with only a black screen until now:
MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/aPZRgSqD
Key: OAeWjKpEvm4Hd0zMjH9knw/folder/XSQHVYKC
(Patreon doesn't like the link with the key at the end for some reason)

I believe the Ms. Marvel camera VR thing went so well, i'm gonna attempt to convert the Samus vid and Neko vid, add sound, into VR in the same way. I also re-opened the Samus vid's files and found out my previous attempt at a 360 VR version accidentally deleted a LOT of the effects BUT the original sequences are intact! Since this time i'm going for camerawork rather than steady 360 vr movement, it should be easier to implement with less motion sickness. (The knowledge that following a character doesn't bring motion sickness will help greatly)

Giganta vid. Man. I'm intimidated by implementing all this destruction. I need to get back to it so I can get used to doing it rather than be scared of it. The next bit involves ground destruction and I've been over-thinking it SO much. Great progress though. It's not the learning phase anymore. It's the doing phase and i'm worried about how long it might take. But the more of a bitch I am, the less time I have. (This is usually where I tell myself "don't be a bitch" and then do some long stream that gets ALL the hard work done)

Marin vid is gonna be on the backburner again but for a very different reason. Last year, I paid TalesofScale to remaster her WiiU and Link Hyrule Warriors models. (Her model is terrible up close) I didn't think he'd take this long to get to it, but he says i'm next. (Thankfully, his health is recovering) It's taking ME far longer to get to her anyways. (Also intimidated by another long form video) May as well jump in with the best possible version, right? Plus, I think her new script cut it a bit too short. Doesn't even adventure on the island!

But then Morag from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Not only will that have mega destruction but also an army? Psh. What do I get myself into with these things. I feel like I stack massive burgers on my plate rather than too many pies. But the only path is forward. Focus on one thing at a time and get it done.

Genshin Impact test vr vid. So uh... idk how to scale the camera anymore for some reason. The plug-in updated and the creator moved everything around. Gotta go looking again. I did try the IPD adjustment, but it just made the world either flatter in depth or weird with depth. The "Scale zone" was actually clipping adjustment.

Kaiju Club news. I'm now capable of animating a preview scene so we can go for an Epic Megagrant! (Main character of the show's model is done and rigged) Naturally, since everything I do leads up to this show, the preview scene will involve everything i'm learning above PLUS learning new special fx using FluidNinja. But for now, the visual art style I've always wanted to strive for has just been achieved with a screenshot I worked on. Can't share it though because even though the visual style is nailed down, there's a city to create.
But trust me that this shit is MOVIN' in the background!



Okay, so people with a Vive (or similar), what app do you use for viewing VR video?


Ok, I've personally used DEOVR so far and it's been really helpful. Lots of good settings to make sure the video is played right! It's on Steam as well as Oculus.


Ah, very good to use then! I hear only good things about it! And Neko vid VR IS coming! In fact, most of it was meant for VR because it's mostly all in one shot. The 3rd act is when I gave up doing the VR thing (After 1 year of learning to finish Neko vid) but then I can just do the recent VR techniques for then! It's gonna rock! Also if I redo some destruction bits since I know so much more now