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So after Yoko released, GV and I were so hyped about that and then planning for all these things to work on like really short videos in VR and maybe some wallpaper stuff for character polls, converting old vids into VR, (Did NOT go well) working on a Marin script redo after we learned so many things on finishing "Kaiju Club" episode 1's script, and then finishing Samus sound with voice actors, and then the Ms Marvel short vid for testing out the gravity collider physics thing in which I have to do a tutorial, etc...

As expected, I kinda burned myself out a bit when trying to put it all into focus of what goes next. I don't even know where to start with the wallpaper idea anymore or if it's even gonna be a good thing to focus on.

So the past 2 weeks was me taking a step back to think about something else because of all the tough things 3d animation threw at me as well. (Especially trying to learn destruction and hair physics in so many ways that took forever only to learn that they wouldn't work)

And so to focus on my art style for 3d, I tried picking up drawing. The goal is to eventually be able to shade correctly like a painter and then hand paint normal maps onto characters because I sure as hell still don't understand tutorials for the regular face normal adjusting method for a year now. I just want to paint it on rather than go through 15 different steps. Plus, it's necessary for the concept art style I want. Anyways, anything to take a break from thinking 3d stuff but still be useful.

I've been using drawabox to learn and this is my first WiP drawing. It's gonna be of giantess Calliope Mori. (I absolutely fell into that Hololive hole and she's the reason why)

I used TONS of references and kitbashing with a bit of tracing to learn so it's not all original, but it's a fine outline start and I want to do her justice too. But holy shit are hands hard!

In other news, I didn't leave my 3d projects sitting. This entire time I've been waiting on voice overs for the gang in Samus. In which there is now 1 left.
Ms Marvel's voice over is already done!
But surprise! My old sound editor, Blank, wants to come back and help me with sound fx. Hell yeah, because sound editing is so dull to me! (Some cool parts though. Still not too fun mostly and it triggers my ADD hard when thinking about getting back to it)

I gave him all my sound libraries and told him to do sound for Ms Marvel. Let's hope he does well because that will be a nice speed boost if I can just get back to animating.

Meanwhile on Marin, the models generally are low quality, so I asked TalesofScale to remaster them a bit. (Which will take time)
GV is also on break after how much we've been working on "Kaiju Club" and he wanted to redo Marin's script so...
Speaking of that, we will have to be doing 5am meetings all month for the episode so we can meet with the Storyboarder who lives in Australia. The modeller for Kaiju Club also becomes available this month.

Man, this month is gonna hit my sleep schedule hard, but the only thing I can do now that isn't waiting on somebody else is the Gravity Collider Physics tutorial. I'll start there.
Then uh...
. Samus VO comes in then finish it
. Blank finishes sound that I gotta check, meanwhile I can compose for Ms Marvel
. Try to find time to talk Marin with GV on the script redo and then begin storyboarding as I wait for Tales' remaster of the characters. (Seriously, Marin's feet are terrible quality as well as other things like textures)
Other than composing, there's a lot of waiting here. I should probably figure out an animation where I don't need to rely on anyone. Or I could continue to learn drawing too. So many choices...


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