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If only I could come up with a better name than the april fools vid...
Unless I just take the april fools video name, put it on this one, then rename the vid?
Nah, that requires changing the thumbnail...
There's still a slight few technical errors to go back and fix. (Like facial lighting differences that are different when they came out rendered and I didn't catch it in my tiredness)
But this is definitely good enough to post for now before tagging!
9 minutes, 2 months.
I must've been a woprk horse to get this out the door!


Early Access Diane 3


Ari Nakamura

Isn't it more like.. 10 minutes and some extra? Or did the part that was already voiced just count as a prequel? :P


That's technically part 1 of this whole thing. No need to add it into this video all over again though since this continues off of that

Ari Nakamura

Right, right. Just wasn't sure if they were separate parts or not! Both amazing works though dude. Keep it up.


Incredible work!
