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It's about time I updated this! I'll start with the 2 flashback pics.

Here is where there's an explanation for how Diane got ahold of these potions and who sold them to her with a warning. (Pose reference of the manga!)

Now the night time scene is where the Merchant gets serious and can't get sleep by overthinking how he's gonna solve this. Meanwhile..

Diane is getting absolutely huge behind him. Mouthing out words like "grow' and "bigger". Almost as if she secretly enjoys it, but nah. Probably only because she trusts the Merchant to come up with a solution and will take to liking this unique experience so far.

Parented some trees already stuck to her foot to make it look like she already outgrew her way through a bit of forest. Looks amazing!

Admittedly, I did it to hide a glitchy section on her toe I couldn't solve. No idea why it came up here but I was NOT gonna give up this shot!

Now this replicates the waking up as Diane idea like in town. Always great to add more gts pov stuff.

All these clouds are static textures that I've been teleporting around based on the camera. I cheated SO much here. Even parented groups of clouds to 1 clouds so I only needed to move 1 cloud for the group.

Aw, looks like I need to be in simulation mode to truly check for lighting issues like her face here. Another thing to add to the list on final re-renders, I also have her being blown by strong wind here a bit since she just woke up and is not used to this size yet.

At least the face came out right here. Here's a fun fact. All my physics attempts broke things in Blender so I opted to manually animate her hair from the moment it was longer at the end of the Waterfall scenes.

Another thing I cheated on is hair placement. In some scenes it's behind her while others like this it's in front again. But I can't imagine this scene any different!

This house looks familiar.

"This is your place right?"


Not the best wake-up call

"How's Progress?"

"As you can see, i'm almost already halfway there"

Yet another pose reference!

Diane gets up to wait with the biggest stretch ever!

"Wow! I can see the edge of the skybox from here!"

Lots of grass added to these scenes

Time to go even bigger

This is quite immense!

Another scene I gotta go back and simulate check.

Diane is out of patience and grabs the whole house!

"Hey. Bet you 10 coin to-"
"Not a chance!"

Merchant stumbles out with the serum.

Such an intense scene!


You did it!

*Finger Guns
*Diane instantly regretting thanking the Merchant

This shhit is lit. Totally thought about the trailer for Bioshock Infinite here.

I mean where else to cushion someone from this fall?

I think they're gonna chose to relax here for now.

Maybe I should add text called "Part 2" onto that portal? Just so people know where it is.


This section was a bit easier to animate. I still am having problems with the Merchant flying all over the place during the growth scene, but I might just brute force re-keyframe his positions back into place later.

With Merchant's comment earlier of, "What seems to be the problem"
Diane decides to punish him a bit harshly after her growth spurt saying, "Do you SEE the problem now!" I don't think I've seen someone been bashed by a toe before, honestly.

Merchant: Ah ha. heh. It seems you've got a serious problem of IToldYouSo-Idis!... heh.

Diane: FIX IT.
I even have the screen shaking here when she speaks to add to the intensity!

Merchant then tells Diane his potion kit is beyond the mountains. (Egg won't be there)
Diane: *Sigh... Then there's only one place to put you

Merchant: My entire life has lead up to this moment!

I really wanted to capture how HUGE Diane is already here. She can be seen from miles away!

This scene coincided with giantess## wanting Diane not paying attention to what she was stepping on while walking across a country road. Since the Merchant flashback scene with the potions take place here, i'm gonna revisit this and add a dodging character yelling out, "Damn brat! I'll sue!" But the request perfectly lined up with getting Diane from point A to point B in an interesting way. I also came up with what she'd be distracted about.

I personally love this last shot because her leg casts a shadow on the trees to the left. SO COOL!

Now we can see she did pick her boots back up and is pre-occupied with how small they seem to her now. But we know they're huge since they can crush trees. Crazy!

So Mako sent me an upscaled resolution of Diane's textures here and they look DAMN GOOD! Thanks, man! Here's what they used to look like:

Yeesh! It's like you can see the color disbanding on the lines!

This entire section took Diane a couple seconds while Marin and Link will take a day. Interesting and funny fact there. GV is worried that i'm showing too much of the island, but I feel like i'm showing a literal overview of it and Marin/Link will show detailed sections.

two trees already crushed here without any thinking whatsoever. Also, I should improve this area before release.

I really want to set in the scale of Diane's hammer by improving this area. It's already crushed a few trees from where she chucked it.
Diane: So that's where I threw that!

Animating the trees getting pulled was pretty fun

Diane: I don't know what I expected.


This time, I wanted to focus on character animation during dialogue. So it's a lot more detail in movements when there isn't as much action going on.

There will be trees getting knocked over here.

I added the same lines that were under Diane's fingers to her toes here. I also added the middle of the foot line since that feels like it should exist there too. I actually learned a lot when splicing this stuff together.

So I found a ripple moving material thing from the stylized water I got from the marketplace. I parented 4 of them to Diane's feet as decals and turned off Diane being able to receive those. It's actually convincing enough for a stylized feeling.

As you can probably tell, lots of growth in this. And feet because this is actually my first time dealing with individual toe animation.

Diane, as short tempered as she is, chucks her boot out of frustration. I might cut the aiming scene slightly for comedic timing.

I swear I turned off those repetitive wood explosions because they looked kinda bad compared to when I placed trees and flipped them over manually.

Merchant makes his appearance, in which I add the body, head, and hair myself together. Couldn't have done it before without the practice with Diane's feet. Only thing to fix is his weird red neck.

I don't think people get so frustrated that the lift their leg like this, but I thought it was cute so I went with it.

The timing and cockiness shown in this shot is INSTANT. I love it! This is not gonna be a regular buddy-buddy video.

Diane hides herself out of embarrassment since the potions went wrong.

"Oh, you're approaching me?"

"Of course. I can't fix the shit outta you without coming closer."

Legs fixed here where the knees don't look ridiculously tiny, but the feet are still the same bigness as before. win-win!

"So what seems to be the problem?"


"I don't know, I think I like you like this"

"You idiot! I'm still grow-innnnnn"

The animation for the Merchant here is super broken and idk why but i'll have to fix it next week.

You can see the brokenness a bit more here. But Diane is gonna be a bit of a smartass here.
"Do you see the problem now?"


So I wanted to mention that this scene has a few new things.
First, I had to put down a bunch of stretched cubes because this scene takes place from so far away of the world origin. The stretched white cubes were like blocking the area out so that I could animate in Blender a bit more accurately.
All cubes were parented to a central point and then exported to Blender.
I can re-use that point when importing the animation too so that things line up.

Another thing is the Sky Cards UE4 Marketplace asset at the top right.
It's a bunch of 2d cloud types that can be placed on curved planes.
Some really sick drawn style clouds in there too with lots of color options to help me manually color them.


There seems to be this curse of mine where every time I get a gallery done, Patreon goes down for maintenance. Anyways, here we go!

The morning after.

A villager approaches to try to wake Diane up.

She wasn't very successful at it.

Meanwhile, two dudes gawk at Diane taking up the street.

"Five Coins for you to poke it"
"Make it ten!"

So I used the knife tool here to make the poke smooth. Added a bit of subdivision only to the area he poked.

The poking activates a growth spurt here and the guy gets flung to the nearby wagon!

Diane finally wakes up!

Sweet First Person view

Speaking of view. I didn't want to zoom in too much here to make yourself feel huge looking at a tiny trying to talk up to you. "You gotta go"

(Offscreen) "Public disturbance and such"

"Yeah... I'll go..."

So I wanted to do this movie aspect ratio to try it out. Super wide. I also wanted to capture just how much of the street Diane took up. BUT! I have another trick!

It's not the great shot of scale and breasts here tho

Aspect ratio change to full 4k! Because no way would I plant movie bars by just adding them on top of the video. Quite the scale here AND a reference to the manga/anime with this pose.

Diane finally noticing the environment.

Idk why I animated her measuring this way but it looks alright.

Diane finds out the building is actually 30 ft tall and stands back in shock, "I GREW!?"

Que spurt

Now her proportions changed a bit here. Breasts are a bit larger and legs WAY longer!
It's subtle but you'll notice that her head isn't so damn massive in comparison to her body anymore.

I do wanna add destruction to that building as practice.

Don't worry, we'll use these later.

*Destroyed portion of building with debri falling off her boot.

Diane is now suddenly embarrassed about all this. I really liked how she used her hair to hide her face for some emotions in the official stuff so I wanted to replicate that kind of cuteness here.

Edit: I found that jitter removal parenting keyframe feature in the sequencer. I just have a huge amount of stuff in the sequencer, so it pushed the parenting options to the very bottom of the scroll menu! HAHAHahahahahah I hate that I didn't think that stupid shit would happen. Such a simple solution.


I wanted to at least start this scroll with this update for the Diane speedrun.
I do have most of the town scenes done but apparently the feature for keyframing parenting is somewhere idk anymore. (Used to remove jitter from the lower framerate animation)
But here's the scene after the town! Might look a bit different in the full vid.



Nice job! Looking forward to how big she gets.


Incredible work so far.


Don't you dare destroy my Oil Change shop again... I am broke.


You're making me wanna import it into the medieval world just to do that




Really liking how it's turning out, looking forward to seeing everything when it's finished

Jesús Arcos

Where are breast aumentation


I'm confused why you're asking this on a project that came out in 2020?