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I'll admit that I fell asleep right after posting to youtube.

I can't stream today, but I will learn how to install Nvidia Blast or Apex correctly. Super important for proper destruction. They don't give out pre-compiled downloads anymore though. Ugh. Might be a test of competence or something.

Another thing I want to mention is that this video gave me a SUPER COOL idea for a movie poster!
I'll call it: The Girl Who Brings the Night


(UE4 Speedrun Sample) A Walk on the Park

Heavily Updated Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/azmaybe9 Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/azmaybe9 Model: https://www.deviantart.com/sab64/art/MMD-Model-Marin-Download-742901357 Yeah, I see all of the mistakes that I don't know how to fix right now. But what's important is speed and "ok" enough. Not "good" enough this time. I wanted to get the full process from finding a model, creating a city, rigging the model for animation, getting it into UE4, then dealing with every bug imaginable being in the way. No facial keys? No physics? Jittery destroyed buildings with no insides? Import bugs? All this is just a starting point to learn and get far better from. But what I really want to learn is Daz3d to get some SUPER good looking models up and running! MMD models aren't reliable but if I can make them look good in an animation, then that opens up their wide variety of characters. Still, nothing quite like a Daz model. I gotta get there someday without being TOO realistic.



Nice work. Being able to improve your speed of work with a medium's important. I know it's something I still need work on when it comes to art. XD


Thanks! I love establishing workflow so that I always have something to rely on incase a new idea goes bad. It turned out that the skirt physics don't really like being 500ft or so tall. Had to animate that myself. Hell, I had a lot of problems I can't wait to find a fix for so that I can keep on experimenting with new things! (Even though these problems are new experiences too) I gotta say, it's a Rollercoaster of emotions, but highly worth it in the end when you look back at where you were knowing you're even better now.


Oh, I know the feeling. I've recently picked up on my shading practice, and there's so many thoughts going through my head as I do it. Will the light hit it this way? How soft will the shadows be? Am I taking highlights into account properly? It's somewhat stressful, but still a lot of fun, and deeply satisfying when it's done. I imagine your work is the same, right? In times like these, all we can do is continue to improve. ^^


Absolutely! There's so much deep thought that went into that pivot turn on her right foot just to make sure it looks realistic. Then more thought on her walking style at the end as if she was casually strolling rather than stomping. Soon enough, it all becomes second nature every time you do a scene (or movement) that's similar. It's why I always try different things across my animations. You begin to welcome the challenge of doing something even more difficult once you're used to it.


Oh yes. Destruction is gonna be my obsession to get right and what I have now will absolutely not work. Especially since chunks dissappear when there's too many rendered. (Entire building parts dissapearing) So I need to simulate the big buildings to be destroyed outside of the program and have it as an animation in UE4. Then have the small rubble stuff be physics chunks in UE4. Like stepping on a wall on the ground or breaking a pillar.