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Happy holidays, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Created and implemented "Light Dusting" freckle sprites into the gameplay
  • Created and implemented  "Dappled" freckle sprites into the gameplay
  • Fixed an issue in which certain game settings reset when entering the main menu from the gameplay
  • Fixed an issue in which the pupils would sometimes load visible when the outfit was saved with pupils invisible
  • Fixed an issue in which the shine and wet sprites would be just as transparent as the main body in gameplay
  • Released Run From Me v0.2! 

That's right, Run From Me v0.2 has finally been released! It's been a long time coming, but I can safely say now that the skeletal framework for the customizer is complete, and we can switch our focus back to gameplay!

Now then, on to progress for this week!

First and foremost, we have the freckles added into the game! Seen above is the "Dappled" freckles in action. We also have "Light Dusting":

This one's more subtle, but subtlety is sorta the point of the light dusting of freckles. There's none on the chest; just some on the (face) cheeks and on the upper legs.

Other than that, I've fixed the last of the known bugs, which means I'm finally free to make more! :D  I'm joking, but I'm also dead serious. :,)

Lastly, I'd like to give a friendly reminder to use your imagination with customization! Just because they're called "freckles" doesn't necessarily mean that's what they have to be! For example...

They can be stars inside of a cosmic being!

There are already quite a few variations you can make with the body and face stuff that we have right now, and it'll snowball big time once we get to clothing and accessories! :D

Buuuut I digress. I'm gonna go eat the most festive of burritos and the jolliest of tacos! I'll see you guys again in two weeks after my week off, and we'll get straight to work on making the gameplay fun! Until then, have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! *\(^o^)/*



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