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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Added 1 mouth sprite to the customizer for testing
  • Added a "Lipstick" checkbox to the mouth category
  • Added "Inner Mouth Color" to the mouth category
  • Added a "Pubic Hair" category under the "Hair" tab
  • Made lock buttons for each category that prevent randomizing and defaulting that category while locked
  • Turned off scroll wheel functionality for the slider UI (i.e. transparency) so it doesn't keep bumping the values by 1 every time I SCROLL BY THEM RAAAAH!!! >:(
  • Made the save preview always show the full body, regardless of zoom level
  • Attempted to create a dialogue avatar out of the customizer

Man, what a week... I made some decent progress, so let's talk about that first!

For starters, the mouth and its coloration is fully functional! Every mouth has optional lips to color, and many of them have an interior mouth color to work with, too! You want a girl with questionable taste in lipstick color AND just drank a blue raspberry slushie? I gotchu.

Next, I've added a category for pubic hair under the "Hair" tab! This was the first time in a while I've added an entire category to the customizer, and I took the opportunity to update the instructions. I have two more categories to add, and they'll go even smoother now! ^_^

Let's see... Ah, now for something exciting! Well, for me, at least.

Do you want to randomize (or perhaps default...ize?) your giantess's entire body... except for that one sprite that you modified to perfection? Behold! The lock buttons! There's one for each category, and you can activate as many or as few of them as you want, at any time! These will lock down everything in that category: color, sprite selection, checkboxes -- everything!

Aaaaand that's the end of the things that went smoothly.

So, with the new zoom functionality, I realized that saving the outfit while zoomed in will save the preview zoomed in, as well. I tried to solve this issue while simultaneously trying to create functionality to export the dialogue avatar (the giantess's face on the text box when she speaks). Trying to do both at the same time was my first mistake.

Long story short, I spent a whole day trying to get both of these to work; I succeeded with the preview, but I failed with the dialogue avatar. Honestly, that's perfectly alright. I'm planning on installing a Godot addon for the dialogue, and it's best that I get familiar with that before trying anything fancy with its components.

And with that all said and done... it's time for some somber news. (Don't worry, it doesn't affect anything here.)

As some of you may know, DeviantArt has begun cracking down on fetish artists, banning them without warning nor opportunity for appeal. I didn't realize it was happening until I learned that Karbo, a very prominent vore artist, had been banned very suddenly. You can read more about it directly from him here and here.

This banning has led to a lot of DA size artists to migrate away from DeviantArt and make other platforms their main art hubs.

I'm... one of those artists.

It's been a bit hard on me, since DA is where I got my start. I'll spare you the emotional riffraff and just say I'm dedicating some of my time and energy into moving my gallery to another, safer place. I'll try to still get lots of progress done on Run From Me in the meantime. :)

Anyways, enough about that! I'm gonna eat some Taco Bell and keep my nose to the ol' grindstone to keep my mind off of things. I'll see you guys again next week!



Yeah, sadly DA has become less "deviant" and more "stick up their a**es" ... anyway, thanks for the update and I hope you find a good place to stay with your art. ^-^


That does seem to be the common consensus. ^^; And thanks! I'll let you guys know once I have my gallery set up elsewhere. :)

Atlan from Atlarchy

I went to DeviantArt to check... It's still equally odd, weird and such, but I think they want more people who monetize things on the platform and sell adoptables, while also buy stuff, meanwhile making commissions and just sharing art, which repels buyers who may not be into more deviant things is bad business...


Yeah, a lot of people have been speculating that this has to do with advertisers and stockholders and the like. I just hope the next place I hole up in doesn't end the same way. :I