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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

3D Modeling:

  • Rigged the model's tail
  • Attempted to rig the model's cat ears
  • Fixed an issue in which symmetry wouldn't work on the model's face

Run From Me:

  • Gave the breasts a jiggle animation with each step

Life's distractions got a tad in the way this week, so not a whole lot of bullet points this time. Sorry about that. ^^;  Let's talk about the 3D model first!

So, the last things I needed to rig were the cat parts: the tail and the ears. The tail went as smoothly as it could have, and it moves perfectly! The cat ears, however... let's just say that they're a bit trickier to weight paint. You know how cats' ears can flip back and lower when they're angry? Yeah, that... sorta implodes the model's cat ears.

After some trail and error with the bones for the cat ears, I decided to make things easy on myself for once. Instead of spending even more time on perfecting the weight painting on a part of the model that isn't a significant part of the animation, I'll simply apply shapekeys to the cat ears and manually model them in different positions -- same as I'll be doing with facial expressions! It should be a far more straightforward process.

On that note, once I get the shapekeys finished, it'll finally, FINALLY be time to animate! I kept procrastinating on the rigging, but with it all done, the 3D side should be smooth sailing from here! I hope...

Now, shifting gears back to Run From Me, we've achieved something... legendary.

We have bobbing boobs!


Jiggly jugs!


Bouncy bra buddies!


I'm out of alliterations, but here's another gif anyways!

As you can see above, the larger the breasts, the more jiggle they have. This is true to reality... or at least, I think it is. There are surprisingly few references for small boobs out there, and -- correct me if I'm wrong here -- that is injustice!

Anyways, my understanding is that bras negate a lot of the jiggling, so once clothes are introduced the jiggling will be toned down. I may also include an option to toggle the jiggling  in case it's too distracting for some players.

Now then, I'm gonna go eat Taco Bell and think about boobs. I'll see you guys again next week!



Massively moving marvelous mammaries? Perfectly perky powerful pacing pillows? We need more! xD

Atlan from Atlarchy

As someone who is not a fan of boobs at all and will most likely play with them flat, or at best covered I would like to point out to all the boob-lovers that the feet are different in each gif and just say that I love it personally! Edit: A lot of folk will hate me for saying this, but I can't wait until the clothing options will get added and presented to us... I hope for some cool fantasy sets that fit a giantess, rather than the usual modern clothes I am sick of on giantesses all the time...


If all goes according to plan, there will be lots of variety of clothes that span several genres. ^_^