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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

Run From Me:

  • Created gameplay sprites for all breasts in bare and clothed states
  • Applied bare breast sprites to gameplay

Just two bullet points this week, but it's not for a lack of trying! A lot of people out there really, really like boobs, so I wanted to do them justice here. And let me tell ya... there are next to no references out there for this perspective on them, especially after my main source -- a subreddit called r/TitsFromHerPOV -- was shut down. Real shame, that. It was literally exactly what I needed. Ah well, things happen.

Despite the shortage of references, I managed to make sprites for all sizes of breasts, both bare (as seen above) and clothed, which hasn't been added into the game just yet. Once I get to the "Tops" category, those sprites will be the first ones in.

Oh! I nearly forgot, there's a little something I added to give a little bit of extra immersion to the game:

Depth of field! Sorta! Really I'm just using a shader to blur the breast sprites and make it seem like DoF. Realistically, everything below the breasts should be blurred, but that would make gameplay a liiiiittle tricky. Also, the blur won't be this strong during gameplay -- I really needed to crank it up to make it visible in this smaller, gif form.

Anyways, I plan on adding an option in the Settings Menu to toggle this blur effect on and off. It may be a bit before I mess with that menu, though; bigger fish to fry and all that.

Now then, I'm off to see the taco, the wonderful taco of bell! I'll see you guys again next week!




Depth of field! :O ... Or having hit your head really hard! :D ... Or drank too much... ... Or someone summoned the Moonlord, wait... wrong game. xD