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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

Run From Me:

  • Made all remaining outfit sprites spawn the grid buttons
  • Made outfit sprites dictate their respective grid button's preview sprite
  • Linked the sprites and buttons using this new spawn system and cleaned up old (and very bulky) code that did this previously

3D modeling:

  • Continued practicing 2D-stylization for the 3D model
  • Made a shader for the model's hair

Making this a work-optional week was absolutely the right call! The slower pace has left me refreshed without giving me the anxiety that not working at all would have given me. ^_^

There's nothing particularly interesting going on with my RFM progress this week; it was mostly finishing what I'd started last week and cleaning some stuff up. Nothing image-worthy.

What is image-worthy is this hair shader I've been working on! I've been following this tutorial by Lightning Boy Studio and I've been getting some good results so far! See for yourself:

Aaaaah, I love shaders so much! They're SO COOL!!!

It looks good on a sphere, but it's pretty broken on our cat girl's hair at the moment. I need to do some proper UV unwrapping so that the lighting can line up properly. Given the, uh... "not professional" technique I used to make the hair (see: 'lazy'), that's gonna be interesting.

One thing I'm beginning to wonder is if shaders like this can be imported into game engines. If not... I'm in for a world of hurt when I have to redo all of them in-engine. In any case, I'll make it work. My hard-headed nature always finds a way. :P

Anyhoo, that's all for this light week! Next week, I'll either be working more on the 3D model's hair or I'll FINALLY get to making those sprites for the customizer! Unless yet another interesting idea catches my mind's eye, of course.

Now then, I'm gonna go feed my mind's mouth some Taco Bell before I find out what I work on next! I'll see you guys again next week!



I haven't commented in a while, so Imma leave cookies here for everyone! o3o/°