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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Gave our cat girl some hair!
  • Friendly Tier drawing: Added clothes to bunny girl and background girl, added "surprised" effect
  • Mant Tier drawing: Fixed arms on giantess, added long bang sides, and added clothes to giantess
  • Finished the coloring and shading for all six tier drawings
  • Updated the "Membership" section of Patreon with the new drawings!
  • Updated Tier Drawings: Behind the Scenes with the work I did this week
  • RFM: Continued compiling a list of every sprite I'll need to make for the customizer, and figuring out how best to tackle them

So I have a bit of a bad habit. I really like to do "grand reveals" of my work and hide it until that time comes. I've gotta stop that. Half the point of this Patreon is to offer sneek-peaks and early access. ^^;

So, with that said, I'm gonna show off some screenshots of our cat girl's progress so far. If you're the type that enjoys the grand reveals, I'd recommend you stop reading here. Safe travels, Taco Bell, and I'll see you next week!











Still here? Cool beans. Now then...


A couple of weeks ago, I increased the size of her breasts to the "Medium" size (which, let's be honest, would be more accurately labeled as "Large") as per the polls. This is also shows off her new bronze skin tone!

Don't worry, the boobs are supposed to be defying gravity right now. I'm treating this as their own personal T-pose.

Something else I got done a couple of weeks ago was the recoloring of the eyes! I love how they turned out -- the highlight at the bottom looks even better, and if you look closely, you can see a bit of blue in the eyes!

I loved how they came out so much that I did it twice! No, seriously. The first time I did it, I saved the file and was able to reopen it and everything. Then, later that day, the save file AND the .png were both just... gone. Reduced to atoms. I still have no idea where they went to this day. Fortunately, it was fresh enough on my mind that I was able to reproduce it without much problem.

Now, back to present-day:

She has hair! And also her eyebrows aren't bleached white anymore! :D

Since there was a tie between "Messy" and "Short" in the polls, I figured I'd get a little fancy and mix the two!

There's still some work to do here and there, like making the sides less symmetrical and giving more volume here and there. Still, for my first time working with hair, I'd say this is turning out fantastic so far!

However... There is just a tiny, teeny-weeny problem. See, the back of her head is just a liiiiiitle...







I should be able to cover that up with a can of spray-on hair by the end of the day. I just kinda lost track of time working on other things this week...

The biggest culprit being the big list of customizer sprites for Run From Me! I've been having a lot of fun adding things to the list. Too much fun. I've been researching outfits, different styles, different archetypes... And it's a little ambitious. Just a tiny bit.

I've uploaded it as an attachment below for the Curious Georges out there who wanna take a peek. Just know that it's highly unlikely that I'll be able to include *every* single thing here. I'll try, though! You know I will!

Originally, I had it all separated out by category -- hair, tops, shoes, and so on. However, I realized I could instead group them by styles. While this can cause a bit of confusion with outfits that share the same clothing (i.e. several groups are bound to share nylons), it gives me something far greater: a strategy of release. Instead of working on every sprite all at once and taking *years* to do so, I can go through the list of styles, pick out which one I want to release next, and focus on getting those parts drawn up, implemented, and ready to ship in much quicker succession!

It should also be noted that these groupings primarily include hair, clothing and accessories. Breast sizes, mouth shapes, and things generally unrelated to style will -- for the most part -- be independent of groupings and possibly released as the first wave of sprites. Facial features don't take too long for me to draw, anyways.

In other news, as some of you may have noticed, I FINALLY got around to finishing those Patreon drawings and uploaded them to each of the tiers! :D  I also updated the Tier Drawings: Behind the Scenes post for those who wanna see the final touches to my process, and also see how the Tier 6 drawing turned out!

So, that was my week! How was yours? I hope you've been doing well! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go eat a whole 'lotta Taco Bell and see if I can get this hair knocked out, followed by the cat ears! I'll see you guys again next week!


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