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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • RFM: Saved NPCs now follow the player in a crowd formation rather than disappearing
  • RFM: NPCs that are following the player can get other NPCs to join the crowd upon touching them
  • RFM: Following NPCs successfully navigate around obstacles
  • RFM: Gave each foot's collision a rounded bottom so NPCs won't get stuck on its downward movement
  • RFM: Made following NPCs disperse and continue running after the player gets stomped
  • RFM: Ensured the NPCs don't get "stomped" by walking into the foot after the player gets stomped
  • RFM: Added a visible zone where following NPCs can be safely deposited
  • RFM: Implemented a system to control gameplay speed with a single variable
  • RFM: Reduced gameplay speed by 20% to avoid overwhelming the player
  • Slightly enlarged the 3D model's breasts to accommodate the "medium" size as per the chart
  • Recolored the model's skin to a bronze color
  • Recolored the model's eyes to an amethyst color

This has been quite the busy week, and not just because of all this progress! Managing Build-A-Giantess Week has been tiring, but fun!

So, first thing's first: since we've been designing the giantess this week, I took the opportunity to get some progress done on Run From Me. All in all things are going great! Right, now, however, I'm struggling to find a balance with the heroes; either they're all over the place and make everything far too hectic, or they're all clumped together ready to make a hero pancake for the giantess's next stomp. ^^;  I'll get it figured out sooner or later. The gameplay speed reduction was a big help, here.

Moving on to the star of the week: our cat girl is looking lovely! She's still bald and naked currently, but the skin color is looking great and the eyes... Ah, I'm so proud of how they turned out!!

No pictures yet, though! I don't want to spoil the grand reveal, and I've got a lot of work to do on her until then!

Speaking of which, there's just a couple more hours to get your votes in for her outfit! It's a very close race between several options right now, so your vote could drastically change the outcome! You can also submit your accessory ideas for her, but do it quickly! Submissions are closing soon!

Now then, enough talk! Have at ye! *Pulls out a bag of Taco Bell* En garde! I'll see you guys again soon for the last round of voting!


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