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  • Dangling MP4.mp4



What you perceive as a life-or-death situation is nothing more than the idle, mindless dangling of a shoe to the woman above you. She doesn't even know you're there, hanging on for dear life and gradually losing your grip.

And unfortunately for you... she's about to stand up.



Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my very first 3D animation! It's short and simple, but I'm quite happy with how it came out! It only took me two and a half weeks to finish, too, which isn't bad considering I made most of the assets myself!

I based this animation off of one of my first drawings published to DeviantArt: "Dangling". It's my second most popular drawing, and given its simplicity I figured it's the perfect starting point for animating!

Attached below is the MP4 version of this animation, which is a bit higher quality. It may stutter on the loop, depending on what software you watch it on.

With this finally done, this Patreon is officially open once again! I can't even begin to tell you how much of a relief it is to finally say that!

Over the next week or two, I'm going to focus on making some much-needed changes and improvements to my Patreon page, including images for each tier and, more importantly, changes to the tiers themselves to accommodate animations.

I hope this was worth the wait! My brain is brimming with new ideas already! :D  I'll see you guys again on Friday!

Desk wood texture: www.cadnav.com/textures/16921.…
Room model: www.deviantart.com/maddoktor2/…



Atlan from Atlarchy

*Climbs into the shoe* "Now I am finally safe!" Very swift for your very first animation I must admit! Barely anything is actually moving, the foot and the hand are basically stiff, but it still is impressive for your very first animation! I propose for your new tradition to be remaking this every once in a while... It was once a drawing, now an animation, could become a better drawing in the future, maybe better animation, maybe a simple game, maybe a better game later on? I can already imagine... Shoe Dangling Clicker! Or In-Shoe survival! The simplest game of them all, where you try not to get stepped on, or fall out of the shoe during the day, then try to manage resources at night... The more days you survive, the better the score xD This will be your staple! I say that with confidence! You will for the rest of your life think about a foot, dangling a shoe, to which you are trying to climb into, just to survive! ...It seems much more grim now that I think about it... xD


That animation made the rounds through the Internet and into my Discord, before I could even check it here... I immediately had to point out, that it is from you... who would have thought that would go (somewhat) viral? x3 Good job, well done! ^o^♥


I am so on board with the in-shoe survival game. xD That idea sounds absolutely fantastic! *Throws money at idea and waits for it to grow.* o3o/


W-wait, really? o.o I had no idea it was spreading that quickly! Could this be the true power of animation?! :o In any case, thank you! I'm glad you came across it one way or another, haha!


I have to add again... it is so simple, I am surprised I didn't think of it right away. The name for the genre of survivng shrunken down in a shoe: Shoevival! :D Okay, Imma show myself out now.