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Oh baby a Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Cleaned up weights for all extreme poses: toes
  • Finished modeling a shoe
  • Began the shoe's texturing process with some unwrapping

Ah visible progress, how I've missed you!

Alright, boring stuff first: I finished the weight painting for the toes in their extreme poses, meaning I'm officially done with the second pass of weight painting! There will be a third pass, but that can wait until after we've had a nice break in the form of my first animation.

Speaking of which, on to the fun stuff! I've modelled a ballerina flat (my favorite shoe) to use in the upcoming animation. Starting from scratch, the modelling took about two days, and I'm pretty darn proud of my speed and how the shoe turned out!

I even gave it a little bow! It was admittedly rather tricky -- not because of the modelling, but because I had to reverse engineer the friggin' knot. Once I figured out which lace led where, it was smooth sailing!

I've also just finished placing the seams around the shoe, so after a little bit of UV editing I'll be able to jump right into texturing this bad boy!

Aside from the shoe, I've got one more model to obtain (or make), and then there's the matter of the environment. I'm still not entirely sure how I'm going to tackle it; I've got two ideas in mind: either go with a simple, basic-colored background, or find a license-free environment to throw into Blender. I could also be cheeky and just take a screenshot of an environment and blur it... Hmm...

Anyhoo, that's enough rambling from me. I'm gonna shove a s̶o̶c̶k̶  burrito in it so you guys have a quiet environment to think about what my animation will be. I'll never tell! Muhaha! (Seriously, though, expect something simple. Gotta start easy!) I'll see you guys again next week!



Atlan from Atlarchy

That looks like a cozy bed... f-for a tiny I mean... 100% not myself!


Rule #1 of being tiny: NEVER sleep in a shoe without first notifying your local giantess. :P