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There's no time to explain! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Added the following categories to the "Extras" tab: "Animal Ears", "Tails", "Wings", and "Horns"
  • Added prototype sprites for animal ears, tails, wings, and horns
  • Made "Animal Ear", "Tail", "Wing", and "Horn" prototype sprites colorizable and sprite-swappable
  • Added a prototype sprite for the "Shiny" toggle in the "Body" tab
  • Made the "Wet" and "Shiny" prototype sprites toggle on and off with their respective checkboxes
  • Made each accessory toggle on and off with the equip/unequip button
  • Gave each accessory its own color using the same two color buttons
  • Gave each sprite a default color (currently all white)
  • Began Making "Default" color buttons that reset the category's color to its default value

Seriously, though, I am a bit short on time today. This'll be another "shorter" post.

First off, new categories! I always intended to have animal ears, tails, wings, and horns; I just hadn't thought about giving them their own categories. I was gonna throw them into the accessories box with everything else, but then I realized accessories can be put on all at once, and having all the horns/tails/etc. on at once would look pretty chaotic. Trust me, this is for your own good -- nobody should have access to that much power.

Next up, I added a prototype sprite for the "Shiny" toggle and made it and the "Wet" sprite toggle on and off with their respective checkboxes. Nothing too complicated.

After that, I gave the accessories some much-needed attention. They now toggle on/off with the Equip/Unequip button (which changes text depending on whether that accessory is visible or not), and each accessory now has its own primary and secondary colors that are controlled by the same two color buttons as all the other accessories. It took some time setting this up, but it went by fairly smoothly.

Finally, I began working on a default color button to reset the color to whatever the currently selected sprite's default is set to (manually, in code). The key words here are "currently selected". I have it working somewhat right now, but the buttons get their "reset" color from the very last sprite in the array of sprites in that category (i.e. shoes or hair). Additionally, all colors that should fall under the same color umbrella (i.e. ear, breast, and skin color) need to all be put in manually; this is just asking for human error, so I'm gonna try to automate this to the best of my ability. That's a next week problem, though. :P

Aside from the default color button stuff, every single task that I completed this week went pretty much without a hitch! I only had a couple of errors here and there from the accessories, but I resolved those in a matter of minutes. Everything else was gravy. And now I'm hungry.

So on that note, I'm gonna treat myself to some Taco Bell! I'd say I earned it -- that's a pretty good list if I do say so myself! At this rate, we'll have this customization menu done very soon -- just a few tasks remain! Anyhoo, hopefully next week I'll have more time on my hands so I can make a gif showing this stuff off. I'll see you guys then!



What, no 9 tailed fox for us? Awe :( JK XD (There's an idea for a tail I guess) I admire your ability to always find something to work on with this project. Seems like you like to switch it up when you need a break from one thing or the other. Hope the Taco Bell was to your satisfaction :)


That's actually a design I had in mind! As you said, I can make it a single tail option. :) There's so much to do in game development that it's hard NOT to find something to work on, haha. But thank you, I appreciate the compliment! ^_^ It never isn't! :D


*Quickly hops in and leaves hugs for everyone.* Have a great weekend! ^o^/ *Runs off again.*