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Friday? More like Freezeday! Here's what I got done this week:

Apologies for another slow week. There was some snowfall in my area which sorta threw everything off a bit (we don't usually get a lot of snow here). I am happy that I got that contest started, though; I wanted to give everyone plenty of time for it, but not so much that progress on the game would be halted by it for too long. Two months seemed sufficient, and I can work on prototyping two of the next game mechanics in the meantime.

This week, however, I may be focusing on my comic. I've been really in the mood to work on it lately, and it would be really nice to be able to get it all sketched out (very roughly, of course).

Question for everyone: Would you like to see my progress on the comic pages, or would you prefer to view the finished pages as they come out to avoid spoilers? The sketches will not contain any text or dialogue, and everything beyond that phase can have dialogue visible or hidden, depending on everyone's preferences.

Lastly, concerning Patreon, I've been thinking about removing all of the tiers and just having a single donation tier as a tip jar -- no rewards and no pressure, at least until I'm earning enough to make this my full-time job. I do want to reward you guys for helping me out (and you have helped me more than you know), but progress has been so slow that I feel I haven't been delivering enough. This could just be my anxiety getting to my head again, though. ^^;

With all that said, I'm gonna calm my anxieties with some Taco Bell. It's become quite the comfort food for me. In the meantime, stay safe and warm out there! I'll talk to you guys again next week!


Atlan from Atlarchy

Your addiction to Taco Bell makes me thing of my addiction to Pizza and Kebab... I think your idea of a single tier is not bad, but there should be an option to tip more if someone wishes... you could even do a thing that people who tip more get something... simple... like being added to the credits of all your games and have a way to send you fanart and such... I think getting fanart will not be a negative thing... in case only I feel the need to send it and you want to see it... I can just draw it and send it to you xD


I may have multiple tiers with different titles for novelty -- that could be fun. ^_^ I love getting fanart, so I wouldn't want to limit that to patrons only, haha. I do like your ideas so far, though! If you come up with any more "just for fun" rewards, let me know. :)

Atlan from Atlarchy

You can give patrons who do more than the baseline, the possibility of being the tiny in your game... in other games they could be a different character. The game would either randomise which name it picks! Another idea is being added as easter eggs... like if you get stepped on 25 times, or something, the giantess could use my name in reference to the tiny... I know that idea is much more than being a randomly picked name, but that could be for a higher tier... Another idea is that people could ask for a single drawing with them on a drawing with a character from your game... like massaging feet of grape-squish chan, or something... but again... much more work xD Another thing I can think of... If the people draw fanart themselves and are patrons of yours... they could send it to you as an unlockable graphic in the game for example... or an icon of an achievement they think of (like being stepped on 25 times unlocks my graphic if you decide you like the idea) Lastly... How about Patreons being NPCs in games? Like in this game we could be NPCs that just run away from the screen, or just stand there and look at the giantess, blocking the way... those are just more obstacles that are rather easy to implement... just different coloured male and female template... That's the last thing I can think of, most of my ideas will not be just a simple thing thus do not think about implementing them right away... I think if any, you should only use the ideas that are easy to implement and seem like a good addition to the game!


We got over a foot of snow and it was glorious! (I have a 4 wheel drive vehicle and an unhealthy obsession with snow XD ) I personally would prefer finished comic pages. I just like seeing the finished picture first. A much more welcome surprise that way! So how would the tip jar on Patreon work? The way I see it, there are two ways that could go. If accessing all of your updates was free then it would no doubt draw in a larger audience (this would take work as well since you would need to network in order to build a greater following) however if most of the people in that audience choose not to tip then it won't pay off much other than free advertising. With current reward tiers you have a much more steady profit stream but it no doubt attracts far fewer followers. Personally, I'm happy to contribute but I don't have a lot of cash on hand. To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I would tip much if I didn't have to but that's just because I don't have a ton of disposable income. I follow like 30 people on Patreon but only am subscribed to you and 3 others for really cheap because you guys are my favorites and interact frequently with your followers (also, 3 out of the 4 are making games which I feel is worth the investment over other media - gotta represent the medium ye know?). Perhaps a hybrid structure is worth the experiment? Make your development updates free and release free demos of the games once you finish them and charge money for access to the full game plus supporter bonuses. You could also release a combination of free comics and paid comics and art. Free comics go to DeviantArt but are viewable on Patreon 2-3 months earlier and Patreon exclusive comics and art stay here. That seems to be a really popular and winefully successful business model for a lot of creators. Be warry brother... If you make any substantial changes to your business model you run the risk of loosing some of your supporters if you decide to go back to the current setup. For what it's worth, my brutally honest opinion is that you will have to get your name out there more in order to profit better from this stuff. Probably the best way to do that would be to release artwork more regularly. Monthly would be ideal starting out. This of course, is not an easy thing to do and you should feel no pressure from me or probably anyone who's currently following you. Take your time. Enjoy the creative process and talking to us. Don't burn out. Do you like writing? Like, longer stories? I feel like longer stories involving your OCs would be a great way to broaden your horizons, flesh out your characters and is a great creative exercise that isn't as labor intensive as drawing and game creation.


I've thought a lot about adding Patrons into the games, but that works better for visual novels or J/RPGs where there are lots of characters to work with. It could certainly work in Run From Me as little npcs running around like you mentioned, but I'm afraid I'll hit another game like Grape Escape where it wouldn't be feasible. I suppose I could change the rewards on a game-by-game basis, but that may get a bit confusing for new patrons. ^^; I do really like the idea of patron-related easter eggs. Maybe allow them to write their own advertisement on an in-game billboard or have their own quirky background object. A bit more hands-on and may not work on a monthly basis, but still a fun idea that could work in other ways! The monthly drawing could very well work, I just need to get faster at drawing. >.< The 3D models will help with that, but those will require a bit more time to set up. Still, this idea could work well. :) As for unlockable fanart, I'd prefer to just have them immediately available in a gallery like in Grape Escape. If I make some harder to unlock than others, it would sort of imply a difference in quality which may hurt feelings. Randomizing the order of rewards would help with that, but then players may be dissatisfied if they don't like the higher unlocks. ^^; Sorry for poking holes all over the place -- I really do appreciate all the ideas! All it takes is one to be a game changer, and you've given me several to work with. Seriously, thank you! ^.^


I love the snow, too! :D At least until I need to drive through it in my not-meant-for-snow car, then it becomes my mortal enemy. XD Ooh, you just gave me an idea! I could release the sketches and whatnot after the full chapter has been released, sort of like a "behind the scenes" or "making of" feature for patrons. ^_^ As for everything else... you've hit the nail on the head. Do I place some of my content behind a paywall or do I take a slower growth route that makes fans happier? The early access is an excellent balance between the two, so I may end up going with that. The only issue is, as you said, monthly drawings would be more ideal. I think all roads are pointing me to practice speed and get more drawings out there. The primary issue with this that I foresee is balancing comics/drawings with games. I could just work on both as I get in the mood to do so (which I sorta do already), but then fans of one may get irritated with a lack of progress while I work on the other. Then again, if you guys have taught me anything it's that you're all incredibly patient. Maybe I should just do what feels most comfortable to me and try to build an audience that supports that style of work, and only change if I can't build one off of it. One thing is for sure, though: I suck at marketing myself. XD I'll see if I can get better at marketing and get faster at drawing. If I can pull both of those off, I can potentially do much better on here. :) Oh, and as for writing: I've heavily considered that, and I may go that route someday. I feel I could improve in that area, though, specifically with visual descriptions. It's part of the reason why I feel more comfortable with comics -- it's all the same storytelling but the visuals speak for themselves. :) Thank you very much for the help! I feel like I've got a bit of a stronger grasp of what I want to do now. ^_^ PS: Woohoo! I'm one of your favorites! I'll take that as an absolute win! \o/


You should stick to doing what you're comfortable with at the pace you're comfortable with. You also only have one game out so far (a really good one at that and it was made from scratch) so I think your following will grow as you release more games. Very few people have the skill to do both artwork and make games. You should be very proud. Something you should consider doing if you haven't already is offering to make commissions. Your art skills are pretty good and your style is unique so I think there is potential there. It's a good way to reach new audiences and get people to check out your content. I've never commissioned anything before (I don't RP, write or create OCs) but I see others getting them done all the time and I have discovered a lot of artists that way. Definitely a good side gig if you think you can make them in a reasonable amount of time.