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It's voting time!

Which prototype version of Run From Me feels the most fun to play?

To see the different versions, pause the game with 'P' or 'Esc' and click the corresponding buttons in the bottom right corner.


Atlan from Atlarchy

Version 1: I love the amount of giantess involvement and the fact obstacles are very often, but it seems too slow... The fact her feet are so predictable also makes it too easy to play at all... Version 2: Nah... just a running simulator with giantess fluff at the bottom... hate it really... sorry... Also way too easy... I like the moving camera though! Version 3: Not enough obstacles which makes it too easy to just stay out of harm's way on the top. It would be nice if either obstacles were much more often, or if it was for some reason impossible to just glue yourself to the top... Perfect camera movement! I deleted my previous comment because I wanted to edit it and clicked the wrong thing... sorry...


I got to try it! So here's my thoughts... Version 1 : Really liked how much bigger and more imposing the giantess felt since her feet took up way more space on the screen. Way too easy though since she can't follow you to the sides and it's pretty slow. Version 2 : Love the perspective and as Atlan said, love the the camera work. Really gives a much better sense of scale to everything. Also has the best feeling walk speed. Way too easy though since she can't move up. Could make a special little hop move where she takes a longer stride and tries to land on the player to prevent this. Version 3 : Definitely the best overall in it's current state. However, the top of the screen still acts as a bit of a safe zone. My thoughts overall : Can't wait to see some sprites and effects on this! Right now the player can get lost behind the giantess but I'm assuming you're planning on having a death screen for that. I think overall, the pace needs to be increased on V1 and V3, similar to the pace of V2 and more obstacles will help increase the challenge. I think a screen shake effect for each step and some sort of ability for the giantess to cause the player to stumble would be great. Perhaps having a small stumble for a near miss would really add to the immersion. I'm honestly conflicted on this. I voted for 3 but I really like the sense of towering scale in version 2 and loved how much faster it's pacing was. I think having the giantess speed up and slow down randomly would feel great. 3 definitely makes the most sense currently. I think two could work better if the stage was wider. I kind of like having the feet seem bigger in relation to the player as well but I understand that you need to be able to keep track of where the player is. So far the progress is looking great and it works gameplay wise! All 3 versions have their merits. EDIT: So I was messing around with it again and I had an idea! For Version 2 and 3 I think I have a way to solve the issue of the player hanging out near the top of the screen. What about a stamina bar that drains when the player moves up away from the feet? This is effectively the little guy sprinting for his life to outrun the giantess so it makes sense that he wouldn't be able to keep it up forever. Basically the player hits either the shift key or the spacebar and it unlocks the barrier that normally prevents you from moving up the screen. This would slowly drain the stamina meter until you ran out and would be pushed back down. It would act in a very similar way to the jump in grape escape and would allow you to get e brief moment of respite or potentially dash out from under foot. Perhaps to add the risk/reward the player would trip and fall resulting in a brief stun if they let the stamina bar run out completely. The controls would act similar to the toe squeeze mini game in grape escape where you hold the button to sprint and if you fill the meter you trip and that could spell the end for you >:) You could even add a special interaction where if the player manages to time it just right as the foot is about to land on them the giantess makes a little comment and you get bonus points! Bro, I get so many ideas for shit I need to take a chill pill :P


Thank you very much for your feedback! This is very useful! ^_^ I'm really glad you like the moving camera! To be honest, I was afraid it might cause motion sickness or something, especially with how it slides around in one of the versions. (Trying to be vague so as not to sway voters. :P) Your thoughts on the obstacles certainly intrigue me for reasons I won't explain yet. I'll play with the numbers once the winner is announced. :) And no worries! I do that all the time, myself. It's quite annoying. XD


First thing's first, about your stamina idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZtGT1fK4wY I'm gonna be toying with this idea like CRAZY! Thank you very much -- this one has been your best idea yet! :o Other than that, thank you for your detailed feedback! You guys are helping out big time and I really appreciate it! ^_^


I chose 3 because I liked the slight camera panning of 2, but the more "zoomed in" nature of 3 made it feel like the giantess is focusing a little bit on the runner, just watching them flee. Plus since you are zoomed in a little, it gives the feeling of "what obstacle will come up next? Will I be able to avoid it?"

Atlan from Atlarchy

After playing some more... I really don't like version 2... giantess is actually just animated fluff at the bottom, even though the pace is good, the scale of her feet is just... not satisfying... you could make her bigger, have the big scale map, with simply bigger and further reaching feet though, which would make the giantess feel even bigger in comparison, which I believe will be very satisfying!


I like how chaotic 2 looks and feels. I do think that 3 is the best blend of all factors so far though. I think the camera for 3 is spot on. I know that this is just a super bare bones version of the game but I can see things getting very interesting!