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Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Friday! With your powers combined, I am REALLY HUNGRY! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Continued work on the end cinematic; added more polish and sounds.
  • Finished the drawing for the Grape Science tab. Muhahaha!
  • Wrote the script for the first chapter of the upcoming comic.
  • Realized that I may not have told you guys that you can disable upgrades. You just right click them in the upgrade lab and they'll turn red. I should probably include that information in the game somewhere, huh?...

This week was very productive, even though it didn't really feel like it to me. Writing a script and planning out a story takes a lot of time and energy, and it's very important to the overall process, but... words on a page just don't feel like progress to me for some reason. Maybe it's because I can't show it off yet. :/  Regardless, I'm happy that I'm finally taking action on this thing! I've been planning it on and off for years!

But fret not, gamers; the next update for Grape Escape is still well underway. I'm going to do my absolute best to get it out by the end of this month. With what I have left to do, that should be a very feasible goal to reach. Plus I feel bad because I haven't been delivering much lately.

Bah, I'm rambling again! Look at me still talking when there's Science to do. I'm gonna use the power of the rings to summon myself some Taco Bell and see if I can git gud at sketching out a bazillion pages for chapter one. I'll see you guys again next week!




That sounds great, also when you disable a power-up do you get your juice back? And enjoy your 🌮


Ahh yes, I know the feeling of wasting time... feels like... function wasteTimeScripting() { var scripting = true; while(scripting) { time.waste(); } } :D Thanks for the update and have a great weekend! o/


Nope, once you've bought an upgrade you have it forever. If it's disabled, you can right-click it again to re-enable it. :) I 100% need to add this information in the game somewhere. I just need to figure out where. Maybe a pop-up menu when you buy your first upgrade?

MilesMouse (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 06:08:20 Function time.waste() { if (time > 0) { time = 0; panicMode = true; return panicMode; } }
2021-04-10 07:41:45 Function time.waste() { if (time > 0) { time = 0; panicMode = true; return panicMode; } }

Function time.waste() { if (time > 0) { time = 0; panicMode = true; return panicMode; } }


I can see that ending up at: if(panicMode) Miles.goTo(TacoBell.nearestLocation(Miles.currentLocation())); xD