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Hey everyone, I hope you're having a good week so far!

I just wanted to let you guys know ahead of time that this week's progress report may be a bit emptier than usual. My area's been hit with an ice storm this week which has been knocking out power several times per day. It's made working on the game a bit tricky, as you can guess.

Other than that, all is well. I actually quite enjoy ice storms -- there's a sort of serene beauty about the ice covering everything, especially the trees. I just wish it was kinder to the power lines, haha.

Anyhoo, I'll talk to you guys again in a couple of days. See you then!



Same here with the ice 🧊 storms. I got no electricity...


I hope you get power back soon. In the meantime, bundle up, enjoy some hot cocoa (if you can find a way to heat it up), and stay warm. :)


Thx, I just got my power back today.....And I'm glad because I was getting 🥶 cold