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Have you eaten something fried today? Well, you better! It's Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • I finished the coloring and shading for the final two CG! However, there's one more thing to do for each of them before they're finished:
  • I finished incorporating the grape into one CG, making it fully ready to be implemented into the game!

I know it seems odd not to include the grape into the CG to begin with, but... well, let's just say you'll understand when you're witnessing it yourself. ;D

As the CG nears completion, so too does the update! There's still a little bit of technical stuff to be done, but that shouldn't take too long compared to the CG itself. Of course, that's what I said about small programming tasks in the past and we all know how that went. Anyhoo, that's it for now!

See you next Friday!



Dang.. I quickly need to fry something... uhm... *Fries the keyboar- asjdkghdjaghna* (Also thanks for the progress report! :D)


It gets closer every week! I probably say it every Friday but I can’t wait to see the next big update for the game. Out of curiosity, what more do you plan on adding to this game before moving on to your next project?


Mmm, deep fried keyboard... If you fill the spacebar with cream, it's just like eating a Twinkie!


After the CG update is the upgrade update, which I'm really excited for! It'll be a literal game-changer. ^_^ That'll be the final update to the game before releasing it to the public and moving on to the next game, which I'm equally excited about! :D