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Hello everyone! I'm not gonna lie, I almost forgot that today's Friday. Here's a list of everything that has been accomplished this week:

  • Finished functionality for the gallery buttons that move between images
  • Finished the gallery zooming and panning functionality (this was supposed to take 15 minutes, but ended up taking 7 hours...)
  • Finished the setup and half of the line art for the third CG image

I also fully colored and shaded the first two CG images sometime before this week, but I can't for the life of me remember when.

Starting with this one, I'm going to do my best to give you guys a progress report every Friday to keep you in the loop, and to have something/someone to keep me accountable in case I start slacking off.

Talk to you guys again next Friday!



Awesome, thanks for the update and have a nice weekend! I hope you can relax a bit! :D


Cool update. I know nothing about coding or making games but it seems like a common theme that something that should take a few minutes ends up taking hours or even days. I can’t imagine the stress of that! Anyway, keep up the hard work! I can’t wait until we can see the fruits of your labor.


Heh, it's incredibly stressful at first, but once you've experienced the "molehill into a mountain" effect a few times, you start getting used to it. Plus the satisfaction of finishing a hard programming task makes it so worth it!