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I'm not gonna lie to you. These menus are kicking my butt. They're taking significantly longer than I would have liked, and it's primarily because Unity's built-in menu navigation tools don't really agree with how I have my menus set up. In other words, blame Unity for my lack of interesting updates. ;P

Right now I'm working on giving all menus keyboard navigation. Half of them work so far, and the other half are stubbornly refusing. I might need to write some custom scripts for this, which isn't gonna be fun or pretty.

On the sunny side of things, I have gotten quite a lot working, and they're shaping up to be fairly pretty, if I do say so myself! All settings menu gizmos work, the pause menu looks quite a bit better, and the credits now have buttons to play different music in the game.

I know this is all quite uninteresting compared to new game elements (believe me, I'm right there with you), but what I'm doing now will make all future games with similar menus go MUCH faster!
...In theory.

These new menus will be added in version 1.2 with some other menu improvements. 



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