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Hey everyone.  Today I have a lot to talk about and it is pretty important. Lots of big changes are coming my way and it will affect the channel and this Patreon so please read carefully! It's all good news thankfully!  Right off the bat I am very happy to say I am finally moving out of my current house. Some of you may have seen posts of mine in the past about my current living situation. In a nutshell, my current home I rent is unfit for living. In the 8 years I have lived here, I've had a constant bug infestation (earwigs), riddled with mold, a green algae filled pool, foundation falling apart, water damage, and dozens of other issues that my landlord would not fix. My partner (Riana) and I had been trying to move for years but with how the housing market is, it was nearly impossible. After YouTube attacked my channel with "Made for Kids" and such, it was even more dire because a part of our collective revenue was crippled. Now thanks to you all here on Patreon, we were able to finally find a new clean home and we're officially moving in next month. I cannot thank you all enough for providing us with the ability to do this. We are eternally grateful for your generosity. With this new home, I will be able to improve my mental health and that will help me work on animations even more efficiently. For those wondering where, do not worry, I'll still be close enough to go to Sonic Revolution as I always do! I will of course be there this year as a guest, so be sure to come by on June 30th!  

For those who are not Patrons, I also have an update about our goals. It's been almost 2 and a half months since we started and I'm happy to say we're 50% funded. I have taken a lot of feedback and have crunched the numbers and changed the rewards. Now, it is going to take a lot less to get to our higher tiers, and our minimum goal is loaded with benefits. 

As you can see, I've drastically lowered the higher tiers. With this, you will see "Christmas with Sonic" and "Sonic Zombies" return sooner assuming we reach the goals. It is vital that we reach our minimum goal soon. YouTube is still falling apart, and it's harder than ever to create animations. With the minimum goal, we can get back to work on "Sonic in Scared Stupid: The Final Chapter" and eventually "Sonic Warriors".

The plan right now is to create shorter animations that will boost the Patreon. The previously announced "Sonic in Jurassic Park: T-Rex Chase" will be the first, and I already have plans for more after that. Each video should boost the Patreon, so I will continue to do these shorter projects until we've reached the $5000/month.

Please if you have ever even considered becoming a Patron, don't wait. I still have many years worth of animations to come if we can get this minimum. For all of the years I have been doing this, it's never been harder just to release a video. If it's "Made for Kids", demonetized, age restricted, or any other thing YouTube wants to do, that's a ton of work down the drain.

In the age of the approaching doom of AI, I will always make things by hand. I will die trying to keep to my morals of high quality entertainment and stories that engage your thoughts.

We can do this, but it will take everyone coming together to make it happen. It's as low as $1.00 a month, and you'll get your name in the credits.

For now, this move will delay the Jurassic Park short slightly but it will still be coming very soon! After the short, I plan to make another on camera video about this to hopefully bring even more attention to the cause.

Please spread the word, become a member, upgrade your pledge if you can. I'm so close to getting back to full time animating.

Thank you for reading!



Afadi Chionesu

Congratulations Steve, for finding a new home!👏 Also, I'll help spread the word to the cause, for the sake of your channel's future. 🙂🙏


Congratulations on finding a new home for yourselves! Best of luck on prep and moving, we'll still be here to have your back! 💖✨👍

Joseph 4501

Heck yea dude, things are going great on my end I’m getting a new job offer for full time which means I’ll be more than happy to upgrade my membership for sure I love your content I’ve been watching since sonic zombies origins


I’m so happy to hear this. Congratulations on the move and the stretch goal achievements. Wish you and Riana nothing but the best!

Kaleb Perez

Good luck Steve you can do it!