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Hello my gracious patrons!

It's time for a real update about what's going on, and what the plan is.

The Bad:

While we are halfway to our minimum, things are slowing down drastically, and we aren't getting many new patrons. We're also losing a few patrons every week so it's getting harder and harder to reach our goals. This was expected, but it's looking pretty grim. I know so many of you are passionate about the channel, and it's nobody's fault, but I did say from the get-go that it was a longshot.

"Sonic in the Arms of an Angel" unfortunately became a victim of YouTube's algorithms. It had a fantastic first day, but its views have come to a near standstill. It did boost the Patreon quite a bit, but we still have another 50% to go and it's going to be an uphill battle.

I don't mean to cast doom and gloom, but I just need to emphasize how important it is that we continue to push this campaign. If you haven't, share it with friends, other Sonic fans, your socials, anything we can get eyeballs on us!

The Good:

So, here's what I'm planning to do. It's obvious that uploading any animations at all with the Patreon attached will bring in more patrons. So, as I announced the other day, we are getting to work on a short "Sonic in Jurassic Park: T-Rex chase". This should hopefully give us another big push, and if that pushes us more, I will create more. Basically, the idea is releasing short animations that will boost the Patreon until hopefully, we can reach the $5000 a month. Once we hit the $5000, we can get back to work on "Sonic in Scared Stupid: The Final Chapter".

In the coming weeks, I will be releasing a small teaser of the upcoming animation with hopes that even such a small teaser will bring in some patrons.

If we do reach that $5000, I will be doing a lot more updates in the future. I am even considering doing video updates just for you guys! Short on camera updates that will fill you in on the productions and such. I'm hoping beyond hope that if things go well, I can also move out of my current bug infested home. Not to spill too many details, but the home I live in is unfit for humans. I've been trying to move, but I don't have the money. With the $5000 a month, I can get out of here and move somewhere more suitable and cleaner. I'd love to document and detail the move for you guys, showing the progress of the new office and such.

We can still do this! It's not over yet, but it is going to take everyone in the community to come together and get this done!


Joseph 4501

Holy crap you lost patrons? That's crazy hopefully people wise up and subscribe


can i get in your discord server