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Happy Friday everyone!

Here's to swimmin' with bowlegged women!

For the upcoming "Sonic in JAWS: The Finale" short, we took the effort to make Conker look like Quint from the original movie! Here's a few renders showing off his new look and fur shader! Please note, this vjdeo is just going to be the finale! These renders are just to showcase his model. The video will be from the moment the shark jumps on the boat until the credits!


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Now I got to re watch the movie


“You going in the cage? Cage goes in the water, you’re going in the water, sharks in the water, our shark. Farewell to you, Spanish ladies farewell, and a dear lad of Spain, receive orders for a sail back to Boston and so never shall we see you again.”

Noah Bangs

Sonic Zombies should come back regardless of the stretch goal. That was a great series.