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Hello my wonderful Patrons!

I am just about moved in to my new home. Already I can feel the difference in happiness. My last place was a nightmare, and my new home has been a dream.

At the moment, we're unpacking and setting things up. In the pictures, my old office was just a master bedroom full of earwigs and other nasty things. I tried to work through all of these issues, but it just came time to move. It was hard animating while bugs crawled on me or fell on my head. My new office is in the loft of my new home and it's nice, clean, and open. Soon I will have my computer set up and get back to work on "Sonic in Jurassic Park: T-Rex Chase". I will also be setting up my new voice over booth soon and will provide some pictures of that as well!

Thank you all for your continued patience during this move. This is a whole new chapter in my life. Good things are coming, and we will all share in them together. I am going to be working as hard as I can to keep my animations coming, and keep campaigning for this Patreon to succeed! We're more than 50% funded to our goal, we can do this! Remember, you can up your pledge at anytime if you feel like doing so!




So happy for ya, Steve! You deserve to have a comfortable working/living environment after all your effort! Hope everything continues looking up for you 😁👍