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Captain Ginyu, once feared and powerful leader of the Ginyu Special Forces, found himself trapped in the body of a frog after a strange twist of fate. Hoping to avoid being stuck as a frog forever, Ginyu used his "Change" technique to switch bodies with Videl, a young heroine known for her bravery and martial arts prowess.

At first, Ginyu felt relieved to be in a human body again, but he was uncomfortable with the surprising difference in physical strength between his previous body and Videl's. However, instead of rushing to find a stronger body, he decided to take things slowly and learn more about his new form and surroundings before executing his next plan.

Days passed, and Ginyu gradually adapted to his life as Videl. He discovered that she was the daughter of the famous Mr. Satan and a defender of justice, fighting crime in her city.

Although Ginyu tried to disguise his true identity, he couldn't help but strike poses and act like a soldier, reminiscent of his days as Captain Ginyu. His cunning and combat skills were inherent, and his newfound agility allowed him to perform astonishing feats.

Through Videl's memories, Ginyu learned that she was friends with Gohan and knew Bulma, the genius scientist. In a daring move, he approached Bulma, keeping his true identity a secret, and convinced her to help him build an armor similar to what he used to wear in his old body. Bulma, believing it was Videl making the request, agreed without suspicion.

With his new armor and abilities, Ginyu felt more confident and powerful. Though aware of being in a weaker body, he had come to appreciate Videl's bravery and fighting spirit.


I would greatly appreciate knowing your opinion, and would you like me to continue?



Jaden Scroggins

Nice you should do a swap with Ginyu and Mitsuri from Demon Slayer


Pues no soy fan de Videl y se me hace un poco forzado en la historia que Bulma le hiciera un traje de Ginyu y no le disparara ciertas alarmas considerando que ella fue victima de Ginyu,hubiese aceptado mas si el Dr. Brief le hacia el traje y que lo mantuviese en secreto de su hija.Habiedo dicho eso, me gusto el dibujo, pues casi no veo dibujos de Videl con ese peinado(noto mas de su version Tomboy y Milf) y que dieras una historia.


Hasta donde recuero Bulma nunca se encontró con un miembro de las fuerzas Ginyu y a Ginyu lo encontró cuando era una rana. Al igual estaba buscando un pretexto para que Ginyu-Videl volviera usar su armadura.


Right now, I'm going to focus on the story of Ginyu in Videl's body, but since Mitsuri ranked third in the previous survey, I thought of doing the color wheel challenge again, but with the variant that all the girls are Ginyu, starting with Mitsuri for the pink color.