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Un deseo erróneo, cuando Zamasu junto las 7 súper esferas del dragón, pidió que que lo transformara en la persona que más temiera Goku, pero Zamasu no tenía idea que la persona que más temía Goku era a su esposa Chichi, ¿ahora como se vengara Zamasu de Goku con ese cuerpo?

A wrong wish, when Zamasu, together with the 7 super dragonball, asked him to transform him into the person who was most afraid of Goku, but Zamasu had no idea that the person who was most afraid of Goku was his wife Chichi, now how he would take revenge Goku's Zamasu with that body?





Should draw Chronoa and Towa swap next since we don't often see content for those characters. Plus their votes were close enough