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Hello everyone! It's been a hectic few weeks, it feels like everything is progressing so fast. Every day I wake up I think about Billie Bust Up, and when I fall asleep I hope to dream of it.  I find myself fortunate to work on something I love so dearly, sometimes I'm scared of it coming to an end when we're finally ready to release.  It's been wonderful watching the project come to life from the inside and I'm excited to get to share that story with you some day.

We recently received song 11! I can't give you any information sadly, other than it takes place post Fantoccio's song "I've had enough of you" and has made multiple members of the development team emotional and tear up. Daniel did a fantastic job hitting all the right notes with this one, I can't wait for the day you get to see it

Let's get into the progress update!


Our cinematics are making lovely progress with our even more lovely animation team.  Ash works tirelessly ahead making sure everyone has work and storyboards! Some of these have already been animated in 3D, so we might post both board and cinematic to compare!

See the full scene here 

See the full scene here

Oh powerful god! Accept my offering of cheese! Scrimshaw sent Billie to complete a fools errand. But who can blame her for being gullible, she's never been outside her village before.

Watch the voiced scene here

Aristotle is back in action and having the time of their life! We can't show the full scene due to spoilers but enjoy some Aristotle goodness.

Watch the full scene here

Watch the full scene here

Billie and Aristotle arrive at Claw Bay! Billie goes on a joy ride

Watch the full scene here

The board was shown off in the previous update, but here is the final result in engine! Scrimshaw apologises to Billie for sending her into the volcano, admitting he assumed she was involved with Elaine. A couple of bugs here and there but I love the initial result.

Watch the full scene here

Billie bumps into an unamused Basile!

Watch the full scene here

Just thumbnails this time. Billie breaks into Dutch's candy drawer.

Then we have some lovely cinematic work here for the tutorial opening by YerkDiff

"Gather in close we'll start with a story..."

Aristotle: I was in love with your dad

Billie: sorry what was that last part?

"What I have to teach you is very advanced!"

"It's ok I can do it, I know that I can!"

Concept Art

Lets move on to Barnaby! Jovi and Pepe are rocking it as per usual with these lovely concepts and colour keys

Clocks! Listen to the updated soundtrack here that associates to the room with them in

Environment Art!

Michael is working hard at some lovely 3D assets!

I've also been working on this big lovely lad here! A big statue

Barnaby Chase Sequence

Yes it's finally on the way! I love how its coming out, it's different from Fanto's boss fight in approach and I love the challenge

See full scene here with music

Linked below are videos on my process with chase sequence so far with some commentary to explain

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Elaine's plushie has her first prototype! I want to redline her a bit as I think the head shape is off, but I love the progress!

Sleepy time! A concept I wanted to explore. Aristotle carries Billie back home, shes tuckered out from a previous adventure. The player would control Aristotle and a small conversation between Aristotle and Billie will play out and give her time to decompress from the previous trauma.

Meet Z's best friend! This punky bat won't be in this game, but will be present in future installments.

The cat pirates now have mouths and eyes fully animated!

Wow what a cutie! Little snake éclair that lives in Barnaby's cake level!

I'm unsure if this will make it in the game, but we have scripts set out for how Aristotle and Arthur first met.  I love the nickname Bubblegum.

That's it for this months update, but we'll talk soon! <3 Just make sure Barnaby doesn't get ya!

- Katie



Aww "I'll be there for you" sounds like such an emotional song I can't wait to hear it~


"I was in love with your dad" I LOVE THAT


I love the little eclair snake! Plus even though it’s only a first draft the Barnaby fight is looking promising already, I can’t wait!