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so, many of you know of er..the events that's been happening around this site and artist's decisions on it. Some of you prob were expecting this post, but no i wont be leaving patreon. Prob wondering why, even after so many big artists have. well, here's additional answer.

I've decided to turn this patreon into a tip jar. What does this mean for what i do here? Well, i'll be posting most of my content on other sites. Now, i'm still gonna keep the poll in here (doing those are pretty fun tbqh). Prob that'll just stay here permanently, but the state of this site is making me a lil worried. I don't know what the future holds, so i'm just taking this more casually just incase, yer kno.
hope this isn't disappointing to you guys, but no grudge if you feel you dont wanna support me anymore. i've been sitting on this for a while, and watching the events concerning this site, me going through a burnout with my art and wrist now hurting, i should just take the tip option.

thanks for readin



May i ask. If you go to othersites what are you think8ng of and will they work the same?


it's pillowfort and twitter. i update twitter way more than pillowfort tho, so if u follow my twitter than you gud.


Have u considered going to only fans? i like your art n lewd pics of ur self irl i will continue to support u n i understand with the burnout its best to take a break n relax


i think onlyfans gets really picky and/or weird about NSFW artists using their site..well so i've heard. also sorry for late reply.


I'm a little late to the party here, but would you consider setting up a Patreon Discord as an alternative? It might be a way to host draws that are too risqué for Twitter. (Also, I kind of enjoyed Patreon as a way to get automatically alerted when you draw something, oop--)


nope. not only is the thought of running a discord server stressing in thought, but i think i heard of patreon's discord bot spying in servers and gets on your ass if they smell anything they dont like. either way it's a risk and too time consuming. sowwy.


Do you accept commissions?


So is there still gonna be exclsusive stuff on here or hows that working? Just a tip jar now or still kinda a patreon?


what other sites are you going to post on?