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So with the new year, and decade, coming, it only makes sense i update you guys on things will be going.

end of $50 tier

I've been really thinking about this for a good while and I've decided on going back to public commissions. I liked what requests i'd get in that tier, but then realized how much it had tired me out quickly. i've had a lot more art blocks than usual which isn't really good. so doing commissions whenever i'd want feels like a better balance for this than an every month thing. 

I will add that, I really thank my $50 tier supporters: Maxcen, Skitterleaf, NiGHTSlink, dualblade16 and Yuutaro! You guys really helped me out!
As for when I'm opening public commissions? I don't know, it's something in the moment I assume. So keep an eye out if you're interested in commissioning me in the future!

$1 tier shall survive (for now)

So I've also been getting some of you DMing me about simply leaving the $1 tier for just support. Something I didn't expect, but I'll let that tier live. Simply put, it's merely to just pitch in. Considering my stuff comes out at the span of a week or 2, it's something that wont be locked for too long (excluding older works which i'm slowly posting out now) which means I will no longer be posting non HD versions on that tier. Simply put, there will only be $2 and $5 tier. 

January break

I need a break, so I'm pausing next month's payments and will just post as usual. I've been dying for a break and my wrist is beginning to actually hurt. I hope i can be back by February, if anything changes I'll tell you guys.

I believe that's it for the updates. There's still technically one more, but it's for one side and you'll find out very soon.

Until then, hope you guys have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year!



Enjoy the break; you deserve it! I also hope your wrist starts to feel better. Thank you for everything you do for us <3