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 I really dont know if all of you know about this, but imma just toss it here. 

https://curiouscat.me/DreamCassette ⭐  

BUT, that's not entirely why i'm making this text, but more of a general question to you guys. It's really hard and a bit confusing to interact here as much as i did on tumblr. That's one of the unfortunate things about that platform going to shit, but i digress. What did you come for? and i know that question sounds so odd to ask, but what i mean is, did you just come for the porn and only the porn, or are you here not only for the porn but doodles and etc? I've just been using this place as  porn dumb ground but i guess i outta brighten it up a bit in here.

this might prob be deleted later



I'm here for the naughty mom content. I'm half kidding; your doodles, all of them were always good fun


I came to the art and stayed for the shitposts. Glad to see curiouscat is a good alternative to the askbox from tungler


I've been a fan of your art for a long time. Yeah the porn is good, but I've always enjoyed your shitposts too.


See I'd shitpost with art, but dont know if it'll annoy people to no end that came for the porn and whatnot. 😔


yea there are things on curiouscat that's a bit tricky to remember and whatnot (i HATE the fact i cant make posts on there), but at least it's split for people who dont wanna deal with that while staying for the art.


For me, all art from you is nice to see, you've gotta style that I'm fond of. Asks on tumblr were a fun routine, was nice seeing you interact and learn more about ya.


Admittedly I patron'd for the porn, but both you and your art have been nice since I followed you on tumblr since forever ago? The shitposts were a plus, too.


yea losing contact with all my anons, surprisingly(?), is one of the things that hurts more than losing my follow counts or art.


oh thank ya! yea i wish the community section on patreon i could talk to and interact with my patreons, but hopefully it's something they can allow in the future.


I've followed your art quietly for a while, but I enjoy both the porn and the goofy doodles.