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Hi everyone!

New Build Released!

Last week we finished the remaining work on the recently released 2022.07 Build! It is mostly a quality of life update, so I’ll just copypasta the changelog from the release post.

Grab the build here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/released-kincaid-69384780



  • Finalized sprites for the bear.
  • Finalized & touched up some of Kincaid’s cutscene sprites.
  • Kobold petal bomb has a proper explosion effect.
  • Sound effects for the bear (both combat + act).
  • Kobold orgy is back on the menu!
  • For lewd animations, players can now choose which kinds of sounds they wish to hear (or none at all).
  • Better animation controls within the game: You have now full control over the animation, including jumping back, forth, auto-progress and zoom.


  • You can no longer accidentally close the game by pressing the wrong button.
  • It’s made more clear when lewds can be started and when not and the small critters do not count towards enemies being closeby anymore.


  • Fixed a bug in the sunken temple area where two rooms would not connect properly.
  • Kincaid can no longer have some fun with the minions while the boss is still moving around.
  • Some wrong pixels in the lewd bear animation.

Environment Overhaul Update

Fabian also finished most of the remaining work on the tilesets for the jungle and temple overhaul. Next up is the village, which is another big project.

We want to preserve the happy go lucky feel of the village while bringing it closer to his style. Our plan is to pick out a small corner of the village and work on it until we find the right tone and then apply that to the rest of it.

Until next week,




So I played the recent build and I noticed that the whole intimacy during combat was removed. This was one of my favorite features of the game, and wish this was a toggleable feature :(. Now I have to start the engagements. I liked the game more when the lewd stuff sorta happened along the way rather than me having to trigger it.


Also the sexy high quality art being the game over screen was also an amazing part of the game. I felt like there were sexy distractions along the way, and that I was still rewarded even for losing. Now I feel like I'm just watching slideshows I'm starting. The sexiness feels sidelined to the main game. The stun mechanic was great because you could still break away if you didn't want to, but you always had the temptation to give in. Now the "action" isn't really there, and the whole thing feels irrelevant.


Have to agree with anon about these points, as it was one of my favorite features as well. Would be cool if this could be a toggle-able feature! Or even a separate release/version of the game if needed, with the stun mechanic enabled. Regardless, grateful for the work y'all are doing :)


This is true, or at least re-implement that and keep the ability to trigger it on downed enemies


Couldn't have said it better myself, and you're right on both points. Maybe there's an overwhelming majority of people requesting the new "Domcaid" system on Discord or through private messages, I do not know. I just know that I don't like the new one as much for the reasons you've just mentioned, but I do not think it's going away anytime soon. It's a little depressing. Love the game, but this is not a feature I personally care for. Pity that.


It's a bit like choosing real-time-with-pause or turn-based with rpgs. Unfortunately, there are always going to be people that are disappointed. Unless you somehow manage to deliver both - but that's usually a whole lot of work. I for one really like the new system they are trying. There are too few h-games where the (female) protagonist has agency...

Kadvan Llawen

I don't see how having two separate events that lead to the same outcome (the sex animation) is as complicated as having an rpg be both real time with pause and turn based. It's two actions that lead to the same outcome, and one of the two is literally just a button press! How is that difficult? They've been doing it fine until now and it worked great!


To weigh in on the intimacy mechanic-- I had always found it strange, off-putting, even so far as disturbing (depending on how non-con things went) that this style of game so often sets up sexual encounters as a sort of punishment for failure. Seeing commentary about how Adventures of Kincaid was shifting things to a player-initiated system got me to turn the corner from "neat demo but not my thing" to "this is a project worth backing". There's probably more design space to explore in this area, but I applaud your move from "NPC initiated in a failure state" to "player initiated in a success state", and hope you stick to it!