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Hi everyone!

Last week I started working on some of the animations for the new moveset from our Glitchcaid 2 demo ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/66756255 ).

I also started working on the sprite set for the combat portion of the new enemy. The sketches are still too rough for me to share them yet, sorry. ^^;

Update on the Upcoming Build

I'll do my best to sketch out all necessary combat animations and color block them over the coming days. Null and I talked about it and we're thinking about releasing the new build before the sprites have been fully finished.

Usually I prefer putting out a more polished build, but I am pretty burned out and am going to take my first week off in... forever. I'd like to put out the build before that so I can enjoy my week off guilt-free. It's going to be the first LARP I attend since covid and I'm super excited to see all my friends again! ^w^

In case you missed the new stuff:

And just in case you've missed it, we've recently put out some stuff for our higher tier patrons!

Until next week,
Cookie & Bunny




I wouldn't mind to wait for a polished build after you had your week off.


Enjoy your vacation! Everyone deserves a break! If you want to, maybe take some photos and upload to the Discord for all. Or keep it to yourself. Whatever you all choose, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest without any regrets or guilt. Eat some good food while you're at it. And if either of you drink, get right smashed on all of your fans' behalf.


So I’ve been playing a I thought I beat the game however I’m missing one thing in the gallery. It’s the second one on the list where can I find that one?


Like I said it would help me enjoy it guilt-free. ^^ I will publish a quality of life update when I am back and finished the sprites, tho, if you'd rather wait for that. ^^


That'd be a threesome with two kobolds! ^^ Find a spot where there are two or more for that.


Happy Vacation! I did LARP in 2010 and 2011 at the German *Drachenfest* Was pretty awesome! Hope yours will be awesome as well! :D


Take whatever time it takes to recharge. Your work has been stellar! Definitely don't mind waiting if it means not only the result being good, but you likewise happy with what's produced!


I used to go to Drachenfest too! ^^ These days I stick to smaller, privately organized ones tho, and one called Erkenfara, which is a big mashup of strategy game, LARP and RPG! ^^


Oh, neat! Which Faction did you join at Drachenfest? I was Green in 2010 and Red in 2011. Good times. Erkenfara seems great. Near Frankfurt. Not that far away from my village east of Bonn. Which you a great time there! 😁


Oh ja, die waren in 2011 so ziemlich neben dem Roten, unterhalb des Orklagers. Verdammt, jetzt will ich da nochmal hin 😆