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Hi Space Adventurer!

You’ve waited long enough for this, so without further ado.. ^w^

New Quest Added: Help the village by fixing the broken water supply!

After a hard day’s work, a kobold would very much like to take a hot shower. But how can he do it if the water is not working?

Something is clearly wrong with the piping and I’m pretty sure the rivaling tribe is behind it all!

How to get the new content

Hint: Follow the piping system and find out where it leads you!

“I still can’t find it! Please just tell me where to go”

Click here to learn where you have to go! (Spoiler Warning)  

New Characters Introduced: Meet Ai & Kaha!

Also in this build we’re finally revealing the first couple of story bits!

If you want to see the cutscenes you will have to start a new save game from the beginning. Because of sequencing issues, the cutscenes will not be available in older saves.

But that is not much of an issue: The first cutscene is right at the start of the game, and the rest follow very shortly after.

So you could just start a new save just to watch the scenes if you wanted to. ^w^

Regarding Future Story Bits in Kincaid

As of right now, the cutscenes are pretty close to each other. This will change though with the upcoming rebuild of the jungle area, as we will space areas out differently.

One of the cutscenes in this game is a liiiittle bit on the longer side. That might not be up everyone’s alley but rest assured that we will try to keep longish cutscenes to a minimum. The focus will be on gameplay and “show not tell”, but some cutscenes and expositions will be necessary.

Once we have the hubworld and the tutorial mission that will precede the events of the demo, a lot of the exposition will be broken up and moved to different parts of the game.

Also note that cutscenes are currently not skippable. This will change in the future, as well!

And now… Have fun!

And again, thank you *so so much* for supporting Kincaid’s development. We hope you’ll have fun with the new content.

And let us know what you think of the content. ^w^

Warm regards,
Cookie & Bunny


  • New Quest added: Water Works! (Includes a full new pixel scene)
  • New characters introduced: Kincaid’s sidekick Ai and the evil queen Kaha!
  • The first batch of story cutscenes have been added!
  • Sounds for “Toy Test-Ride” animation has been added!
  • Fixed some bugs in the boss fight.
  • By popular demand, the mason Pohaku is also now present in the gallery version of that scene!
  • A bunch of minor bugfixes.

Hotfix 1

  • Fixed: Grapples still disabled after fixing the water.
  • Fixed: Crash when fighting the big kobold.
  • Change: Made fixing the water a little easier.
  • Fixed: Elevator trigger area was visible.



I can't enter the game


Do you get an error message? What are your computer specs? Feel free to DM me on Discord or on Patreon. ^^


umm i can't seem to open the map anymore is that taken out?


Nope it hasn't been removed. Some areas don't have a map (yet), so maybe that is why.


Some reason every time i punch a slime while its falling it crashes my game x.x


Each time there's an update, it always breaks the Heal ability causing me to need to delete my most complete run <~>


i can't seem to open the app say i don't have permission to open it even tho i have subbed. even tryed dowloading the app again did not help


That is strange. Can you walk me through the process? It should download the ZIP file. Then you need to extract it and run Kincaid.exe


sure. like you said when i click the link it started the download, after it was done with the download i went and extracted the file as soon as that was down i open the file and click the application, my pc always gives me a warning for files that i download from online its more of a safty thing. i click run anyways as soon as click a error tab open say about i don't have permission to open this and the application deletes itself. i have tryed with the other build and it was the same other then the free demo one. if you like i can show you a screen shot of the issue in discord.


That is odd. :/ I can only imagine that it is an overzealous anti-malware program that removes it. Try deactivating any you might have to see if it still happens, or add Kincaid as an exception. Nothing in the game itself would cause it to auto-delete itself.


This is an observation form the start of the game. Some can't read as fast as others. So, when you have a hint popup, such as the one telling you to hit F to heal, the popup is gone, long before I can read all of it. The same with the map hint. It is gone, long before I can see all of what it's telling me to do. Would be great if they stay visual, after showing up, until you hit A or try to move. So you have all the time you need to read popups, like one can during cut scenes. This would be great for any slow readers like myself, who like to read everything in game I can find. Mostly if it's helpful to game play.


I'm a little stumped on the kobold boss fight, idk if I'm doing I wrong or if I'm getting really close each time, would there be a possibility to add a health bar? If not then just some tips on how to fight him properly.


That's a good idea! In the overhaul I will do area-based tutorials that disappear once you leave the general area where the hint is relevant. ^w^


I'll add a health bar! It was an experiment from us to decide if we want boss healthbars or not. Seems like the majority of people would like to see it, so all bosses will have one going forward! ^^


i cant do a double jump in this build? is this supposed to happen or did i miss something?


No, the double jump is still in the game and I haven't heard of anyone not being able to do it. That is odd. Did you collect the item and are unable to perform it?


That would be good. And I am liking more and more the idea of using the interact button to start a sex scene, as a reward for finishing a fight, rather than having to be loosing to see one. Would like to see that sometime in the new overhaul also. ^.^


Nice. I love to see a health bar during a boos fight. ^.^


hey quick question, how on earth do i do the first jump? am i just bad or is this unreasonably hard


dont worry i got it i was hitting the top of the first platform i should be fine now


haha you're right, it was me dumbfounded. Its a minor UX issue, like a hint of whether a feature did exist but not unlocked yet or just didnt exist at all. a major issue of game experience. i know some of the obstacle should be hard and challenging, But during my way to obtain double jump item, the save point is too far from hardest part of obstacle (where rocks were falling), it just felt so agonizing haha (cant help but getting died too before got to the rockfall part, consider im not kind a hardcore fan of platformer like this, and again, just my perspective, no need to take it too much)


One request i'd like to add. Can we have a checkpoint after that first bit? I keep trying to figure out the mechanics and dieing and then having to replay so many unskippable cutscenes...


When is the next build being made


Yep if you check the lower right corner it should say which button to hold.