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Hi everyone!

Whoops, Monday just came and went! How about that!

This week’s cover art is a commission done by Nugget (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nuggetdraws/)!

Important Note: Further down there is a question we want to ask our community! If you have the time, please leave some thoughts in the comments!

Merry Crimmus!

First of all we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas! I hope you’ll stay warm and enjoy a few cozy days with your loved ones - be it online or in person!

New Public Version Released!

Last week we released (and patched) the new public demo of Kincaid! It now includes the lewd scenes with the gecko as well as Akamai’s romancing scene. The build-up to it has not yet been added to the game, by the way. So it will feel a bit out of place for now! ^^

You can play it for free here: https://cookiedraggy.itch.io/kincaid

Story-Writing Progress

Between fixing bugs and getting the public demo out, bunny and I decided to take it a bit easier this month. We have a laundry list of small tasks that have been piling up that we tackled. Some design decisions (more on that further down), plot-holes to fix, side-quest writing for the next planet, things like that! We’re planning to work on these in the pockets of time we have during this hectic time of the year.

Here’s our main story board with the whole manuscript as it is now. Cutscenes, dialogue drafts and everything are placed into sub-boards and refined further:

For example here is the draft for a short cutscene that plays when Kincaid first arrives in the jungle:

Kincaid is going to be a pretty story-driven game. We are going to have a bunch of cutscenes but we won't overload the game with it and Null is working on a cutscene system that allows the player to skip them!

Kinda Important: A Question To The Community!

So we have been thinking about making a change to how lewd scenes integrate with the combat. Grant you, nothing of this has been fully decided, nothing is set in stone. For now we just want to see what you guys think about this possible change:

The basic idea is that instead of Kincaid getting grappled during the combat by the enemies, instead the player has the option of walking over to a knocked out enemy and “smooch them better”, ie. the player initiates the fun activities! The animations would stay the same, it is only the context that would change.

We’re not looking to make this a toggleable option, we have considered that. We’re thinking about making this change because it would help with a lot of game design aspects. Getting grappled would not interrupt the flow of combat anymore. We would not have to design enemies around being able to have grapple moves and reach Kincaid in any situation. And it would feel more like a reward. It would also clear up which enemies are lewdable and which won’t be (like the insects).

Basically we’re seeing a whole bunch of benefits to the approach but before making a change like this in the middle of development we wanted to ask you guys what you think! ^w^

Again, this hasn’t been decided yet. We’d just like some initial feedback and thoughts on this! Null is working on a short prototype version of what this would look like that we’re going to release together with a poll in January.

Stay Warm and Until Next Week!
Cookie & Bunny



French Honey Badger

I would love to be able to initiate smooching with the enemies. The fact that you have to lose to get a sex scene is a bit backwards. If you beat the enemies you should be rewarded with a sex scene rather than being rewarded for losing. In the best case scenario, winning and losing would give you different scenes, if you lose you lose energy and get a game over, if you win you gain energy and maybe get a different scene where you convert the enemy to being your puppy.


In all honesty, for me it would switch this from part of gameplay to a feature which is rarely used. If the combat flow is such a concern, then why not make grapples easier to escape (like in Mortal Kombat, where there is a certain time period where you can counter it)? Also, it would make perception of enemies worse. Like, they are not trying to apprehend and lewd Kincaid and she just doesn't mind it, they are now trying to beat her down. And, after the enemy is beaten down, kind of weird they still have the power to do stuff (and also be top if the animations are going to be kept). It always seemed like a part of gameplay, that you should not just beat enemies down and move forward, but you need to think about them grappling you. Why fix something which is not broken?


I would prefer if it stayed this way. It adds immersion


I’d rather you didn’t change it tbh. The domination\gameover stuff is kind of what I like about the interactions in the first place. I understand how it can break up the flow of combat, but I feel that can be alleviated by changing the grappling mechanic itself a bit.

Anon 26182

While I do enjoy the game how it is, I would like the idea of walking up and just initiating the scene myself, since the alternative if you want to enter the scene is to either throw your health bar away until they manage to daze you, or memorize which moves do it for each enemy. My only question would be if the CG scenes would be able to be entered every time you initiate the sprite scene, or if they would still be a long game over screen. Because I'm fine with either way, as long as activating the sprite animation still unlocks the CG scene in the gallery, instead of having to die against every mob in order to unlock those.


Perhaps have it where the scene of the character getting dominated is grapple, and having the character dominate people as the interact. This does create more work but it also creates a more free way of letting characters interact with the world. This is just my opinion though so there may be others that disagree but a lot of people like to see the characters grappled into submission.


Also to add on to this: Arma’s Quest does sex like your mentioning and it makes the sex feel tedious. Needing to spam scenes in order to heal hurts the games pacing far more imo. It’s frustrating at times and it makes you spam through the scenes more often. In Kincaid it’s kind of nice that when you make a mistake and lose you get something that makes it feel a little less frustrating. Kincaid is enjoyable to me because it’s a fun game that makes losing feel okay (if not more lol).


Well let's think of this in another way: do you want to lose progress, lose bonuses, and life stock, for a sex scene? Or do you want to have the rewards to be "ass or cash" instead? Here's an example: There is a game called "Corruption of champions" (Both 1 and 2) were you play as the champion to stop the Corruption of sex by doing quest, and have the options of having sex or not, depending on the players choices and battle results. Losing gives you bad ending sex or other scene, but winning gives the player options on how to "celebrate" their victories. In short, victory and sex is more rewarding than losing and getting sex by rape.


Personal opinion here, it would be more rewarding to have a sex scene when winning a fight. If you want to make it interesting, you can add conditions to victory, like have more than 1/2 your health when defeating the boss, to unlock the desired sex scene. Losing for rewards is more hindering than encouraging gameplay. Otherwise, it's just looking at snippets of sex scenes that don't work with the flow.

Riot Goes Woof

I really like the idea of having the scene be initiated by the player after winning a fight. It lets you choose when to interact and you aren't trying to do so in the middle of combat. Arma's Quest, a game I'm sure you're familiar with, does the same thing and I think it's really nice. It also gets rid of having to be interrupted as soon as a scene is over and the enemy starts attacking again. Yknow, in case your hands are busy elsewhere.


By all means, I like this idea. I wouldn't mind it being repeatable on the same enemy too, the only issue I see is trying to get the kobold threesome to work with this, especially if there are any plans to add multi-enemy interactions. Also the game over scenes, would they trigger on you being defeated still or some other way with this?


I wouldn't mind if the current enemies stayed the same. Though I wouldn't mind NEW enemies with this mechanic X3

Billy Bob

Actually I very much like the idea of the player initiating the lewd scenes.

Revan Delmore

Interestingly enough, I just read a review for a separate lewd game. The reviewer was praising the game for rewarding players with lewd when they won a challenge as opposed to losing. This is the opposite of how Kincaid (and many other games) are set up. I feel it's worth exploring this alternative (hypothetically at least). I like the current way Kincaid is setup because of perception of character. To me, it's fun and lighthearted that Kincaid is defending herself against horny adversaries, and she can choose to let them have their way if she desires. This is in contrast to enemies defending themselves from Kincaid, the conquering serial rapist. I like the current way Kincaid is setup because of the combat challenge. Sometimes I am trying to rush through an area, and the grappling provides an extra challenge element to impede my progress. It's not hard to break the grapple, but it does take a little time. This leads me to try to anticipate/ dodge the enemy grapple attacks. It makes combat more interesting for me. I like the current way Kincaid is setup because of the gallery feature. Some other comments have noted that to obtain the lewd scenes the player must sacrifice health and be beaten by the enemy. I feel this is trivial. If you want to see scenes in game, it is easy to regain health with character abilities and the checkpoints. If you want to see scenes outside of gameplay, use the gallery. You only need to find the scene once to have it unlocked. Bottom line: It's cool if you change your methods to make programming and animating easier. I think I will still enjoy the game if Kincaid initiates the lewd scenes, and I think everyone would be happy with a faster or simpler production process. However, I enjoy the game as it is. [Sorry for droning on and on].


I would love to see this added. The thing that’s always bothered and annoyed me with these kinds of adult/hentai games is that the sex scenes are one of, if not the main attraction, but the it is almost always used as a form of damage/attack, if not a form of defeat or game over, especially when the playable character is female. So it feels like the game is encouraging you to purposely play bad and lose if you want to see the sexy stuff. Having the sex scenes be a reward for winning as well as a consolation prize for losing feels perfect for the kind of game Kincaid is aiming to be.

rex lux

i like the idea, the same reason why i like arma from mundane, but i also like the extra steps of losing or getting grappled. i honestly like both and if your willing to explore into the the reward system more heavy and leave the defeat cg as just as it says defeat cgs that would be an amazing way to mash both worlds together. just one question, how would the threesome function work, like how if your grabbed and the extra kobold comes in, will it be if there is another enemie around he will join or if there are multple downed enemies then youll get the option to do so? this is an important, to what i see, choice for future plans if you decide to follow that path. not only will you be able to make the ground work for future lewds scenes but also what direction you want the player to play in. more grindy would mean more killing, but adding less killing would reduce the grind to horde enemies in a group to get a scene, you feel me. anyways you guys have been doing a fucking amazing job and im so glad to see the spirit to make more is still and hopefully stays. ive enjoyed every moment of production from you guys to the art to the gameplay and its trully a masterpeice of its own work. i commend the whole team for putting more than there all in this and just keep up the amazing work and ill always be here to support you lads. have a very merry christmas

rex lux

also sorry the questions and stuff got mashed in all the text i was kinda writing to fully flow my head. my apologies if its hard to read. if you want me to clairfy anything please do not hesiate to ask me so. i am always willing to give feedback and help in any way i can


I like the way it is. I like that they attack me and once i am stunned, lewd upon me. Initiatin lewds after the fight is.... boring in my mind. IMO


Maybe you change things around on a different planet? We only know the jungle planet with the kobolds for now, but maybe on another planet, for that planet and its inhabitants only, you could make it so that Kincaid is the one getting things started. Maybe for enemies that might not be too interested (or are too shy?) to have a go with our girl on their own - but with Kincaid's "adventurous spirit", she could be the one showing them a good time. ;3 Maybe the enemies are rather submissive and let Kincaid take the lead, you know. It would still be only one lewd scene for every enemy, as Kincaid would always have to initiate "sexy time" and there would be no option for the enemies to go for her. I can imagine it would be a nice change if on one planet, Kincaid gets to take the initiative. Just throwing that idea out there though. If that's a no-go too, I'm still with how things are working right now. :)


I like the idea, but I seem to be in the minority


Getting rid of enemy grapples would certainly help differentiate the game from other lewd platformers, and break the "lose to win" stigma left over from previous platformers of atrocious quality. It may be worth keeping for ambush enemies, however, as that's a more natural case for a grapple mechanic to be found.


Merry Christmas!


I also like the idea of keeping some grapples on Ambush-type enemies or attacks from them (like the gecko tongue-grab and the sabertooth leap from the bushes), but overall I think it'd help the pacing of exploration and combat to not get grappled every time Kincaid gets stunned.

Unlikely Suspect

I would say stick with the grappling. This game has plenty enough incentive to play normally, you have a whole story to follow, it's not really falling into the lose to win trap. Grappling IMHO adds some fun to what would otherwise be a frustrating experience with the combat and platforming. If it were just regular combat, it would be significantly more annoying, I think.