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Hi everyone!

This build does not yet contain the new content, but it should fix the performance issues a lot of people had with the previous build. If you were able to play 2020.10 you can safely ignore this one without missing out on anything! If you had lag issues in the underwater area, this build should allow you to explore it now.

I tried to optimize the shader for the water, but in the end, I gave up and decided to go back to sprites.

Thank you for your patience - I really wanted to save it because I thought it looked pretty and I tried a bunch of approaches.

The next actual build is coming along nicely, the core animations for the tiger enemy are almost completed! More on that in next week's roundup~

Here's the complete changelog:

  • Removed watershader and replaced it with a simple animated texture
  • Fixed hardlock if you faint after defeating the wolf
  • Slimes do not keep their momentum now after you struggle free
  • Making-out sound loop added to the gallery for the kobold
  • Added a little hint to show players how to proceed when reading the cover letter
  • Fixed a place where you'd get stuck in the ceiling if you used dash to move from room to room
  • Fixed background covering up the room with the elevators in the temple.
  • A bunch of minor bugfixes




Hey, gotta show love to the hotfixes. Bug squishing is very important... Unless they give Kincaid amorous looks. Bit bummed we never got that pic of Kincaid with glasses though. xD


No worries. Games aren't good if the bugs lag or crash your computer when you try playing them. I thank you for thinking of my poor Anus computer


The only issue I had was being unable to find the kidnapped Kobold, but still good to see a bug fix patch


I think I'm missing something because I'm not sure where to go to turn on the villages water.


Hey thanks! I can actually play the water section now lol. Great work as always


how can enter queen door?