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Hi everyone!

This week was a big struggle for me. I didn't think the swimming animation would give me so much trouble of all things. I redid it a bunch of times and I am still not really satisfied with it, but I'm going with this one now! I still need to clean it up a little bit but it is mostly done. I hope you like it! >w<

I hope it looks a bit believable for a swimming animation.

The Hotfix and HTML5 releases is almost done, but there is still a big memory leak we are hunting down that makes the game run really slow and then lead to crash if you linger around in a level for a few minutes.

Also GameMaker got a major update and Null is all over that! It's a major update with a lot of new features and he's figuring out how we're going to make use of them.

Until next time!



Don't take it too seriously ... As seen, the animation worked out quite well ... Now you can relax a little from it)😰


Always remember that perfectionism is the greatest enemy of getting stuff done. I'm not saying you should be EA Games xD but it's always worth to have some hard deadlines rather than spin in circles


Einfach schwimmen, einfach schwimmen, einfach schwimmen schwimmen schwimmen...~


Looks like a really nice swimming animation to me! Well done!


Will there be like a little drying animation sort of like how GTA does it?


That would be super cute but I'm not going to do that! The gameplay is too fluid between the swimming and non-swimming state. ^w^


This keeps getting better with each update, you're definitely think of every little piece and part OWO


Also the development speed is crazy fast in comparison to other h-projects on here :p Obviously with very high production values - love it! Great job!


I guess if you do a cutscene with swimming you could consider it. It'd be extra work though.