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I'm happy to present you the newest build of Kincaid, exclusive to patrons!

Before I dive into the build and what the focus is, let me just get it out there: The slime is not in it yet! But no worries, I will be releasing a second build later this month, which will have the new sex content. ^w^

This build is focused on new moves Kincaid can do to navigate the world and evade enemies. We introduced double jump, dodge rolling, ducking and sliding.

Ducking is pretty self explanatory. Dodge rolling and sliding evades enemies and projectiles, but it does not protect you from environmental hazards like spike traps. So be careful where you roll that big juicy tushy!

In the final game, these abilities might be unlockables that you don't have from the start.

In order to play the new rooms, choose "Temple of Trials" from the main menu. The old levels are still there and have been changed slightly to address some issues players were having with them.

The Temple of Trials is a set of rooms that will test your skills in using the new abilities and exploring some level design concepts for them.

And just to reiterate: This is not the way we will be presenting levels in the final game. While the game is still in development and we're playing around with different ideas and concepts, we will be making rooms specific for each version for you guys to try things out.

Once Kincaid's abilities and the way you get them are decided upon, we will move to production and create the actual game world her.


Ducking - Down
Rolling - 'D' or RT on the controller
Sliding - Ducking + Rolling

Other new things:

  • Settings menu for video and audio
  • Cute new smooching animation
  • Kincaid is less grumpy when she idles
  • Jump-thru platforms
  • Slopes
  • Moving Platforms

Known Issues:

  • Moving platforms can push or pull you into solid obstacles.

The next steps:

After seeing how people like the new moves and squashing any bugs surrounding it, we will tackle the combat system next. Right now combat is very simple. For the new combat we will introduce combo attacks, dedicated air attacks and experiment with (charged) ranged attacks.

I hope you'll have fun with the new level set!

Warm regards,

Cookie & Null



Huzzah, keep up the good work~



Avery H. Mavery

Imma be honest, the biggest reason i'm following this project is cause you do such nice pixel animations,(the gameplay looks decently fun too, but sex is a strong motivator) so i'm super stoked to see all the animations that will eventually be in this game~


(A comment I tried to make disappeared? I'll try again.) That new animation is great! Keep up the good work.


I’d recommend adding a transition animation between the kissing to sex. It’d definitely make the animation hotter!


I would add a small zoom, thank you good work

Sam Jam

might i make a recommendation about the sex animations? if possible how about give some enemies more then 1 sex animation? say you get grabbed and it go's in to the kissing animations from there in stead of getting fuck from Kincaid gets pushed down and mounted missionary style. and another where she's grabbed from behind gets her breast played with before she gets down on all fores and then fuck from behind. just a a small idea i wanted to give. still good work. waiting to see more ^-^


Depending on how development goes, this is something we have actually planned. Making an animation like this takes me about two weeks, so before I do variations I want to focus on making new enemies and make sure each one has at least one animation first. ^^


I myself hope that you'll be able to put in a small transition animation from the kiss to the smex. Nothing fancy, just something to go smoothly from standing to doggy.


I have the following problem how do I get the game under win 10 to run. I download the zip file and unzip the file winrar and it lacks the exe file to start the game help please


The EXE should be in there. It could be your virus protection that gets rid of it for some reason.


works pretty well as a platformer, I like the new mechanics you've added since the public release, though I do have 1 major issue you might want to fix. the lizard enemy characters are too close of a shade of green to a lot of the background colors, they blend in too well, if Im running through too quickly, they can be easily missed.


I have found a glich in your game. If you jump at a crossover to another area, you get stuck above the current area and can't get down with rolling or drop down action, and have to restart.


Thanks for reporting the bug! Can you describe the rooms where this happened to you?