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  • There is a way to get into the temple!
  • If you want to see the CG, make sure you lose your last health point to a kobold or his slingshot pellet. No need to see the sprite animation through to the end.


Controller: A and X buttons for jumping and melee attacks

Arrow keys
A - Jump, S - Melee attack 
Alt+Enter for Fullscreen!

The public build is here! Thank you to all patrons who have supported us thus far and provided us valuable feedback. ^w^

This build is mostly identical to the Patreon build we released earlier with a few bug fixes and minor tweaks.

The Button (tm) is now much more obvious and I hope more people will find it now. Also the wall critters now react to being hit, so it's more obvious what the intended interaction is.

Not all bugs have been squashed yet, tho, so don't worry if you still see some of the known issues around. Null's on it!

You can also play it in your browser over at Newgrounds or itch.io.

You can follow the game's development on our Discord or by coming to one of my livestreams at: https://picarto.tv/Cookiedraggy 

Null and I wish you lots of fun playing!






Very promising start! Buttons are a little confusing as I am used to W being the jump button but a good start!


Fast delivery and some bugs are fixed. Keep up the good work you two. <3


Btw the fastest way to see the game over CG with the kobolds is to jump into the deep water at the very beginning. Or was that fixed now and doesn't work anymore? :D


I like the new button. Very nice that it's much more visible. Though I don't know if it was addressed, but the unable to attack bug, after auto attacking and getting failing to get out of a grapple bug is still in it, I just tested it. :o


Null worked on bugfixes but unfortunately he ran out of time for this one before the scheduled release! ;(

Kiba Snowpaw

Sorry, it took so long. But here it is <a href="https://youtu.be/YdwmUwPJtg8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/YdwmUwPJtg8</a> I was close to giving up Edding the video today since all 3 of my Video editing programs had a flip but I got it done, and here it is.


probs not right place, but i want to be a supporter... but it wont let me. I can pay to anyone but for some reason when i try paying to you it keeps giving me errors U_U....


Played your demo on newgrounds seen some very promising design :)


Is very smooth game :) even for demo i still enjoy! yeah i know there no music or sound effect xD so i knew it haha, anyway keep it up :3 hope to see more what you made of this game!


You're welcome! yay :3 i'm sure it will be worth the wait for the full game!


Wow the jump and movement physics are already very nice. it feels really good. I would love to see some "loosing animations" for the other creatures too like the red worms but maybe following. Keep on working on this, will be awesome.

DavidN Rabbit

What a lovely demo! The animation is adorable - I hope that this continues to go somewhere :)