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Hi everyone!

Hope you have been well! Over here things on the new build are progressing nicely!

We've got two new lewd scenes in development and a new section of the game shaping up.

We are also simultaneously advancing two long-term projects that are not for the next build: A new enemy for the second planet and background art for the hub world we've talked about in the past.

New CG in the works!

A new CG is being worked on by Reydam, hopefully in time for the upcoming build!

It is going to be a M/M scene with the theme "small top on big bottom".

For some of you who remember the old public demo, maybe you have an idea of which scene this is going to be. ^w~

A Kobold's Goo-tastic Gymnastics

I haven't been streaming my pixel work much lately but I am hard at work at a new animation for the upcoming build and by the title you can already guess that it's going to feature some very squishy shenanigans~

With the platform being very strict lately I am a bit apprehensive about even showing a censored preview.

Supporters can get an early view of the animation in the sketchpack I posted here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/goo-tastic-106373627

Another animation in the works? Bat's incredible!

This one will not make it into the upcoming build most likely, but I wanted to get a head start on it! Ideally I would like to have most of the difficult to do animations completed for the second planet before it moves from planning into production as the jungle comes to a close.

The bat's going to appear as an enemy in the game and there are also going to be NPCs of her species, because I just like the upside-down action too much to pass it up!

The enemy AI is still in the concepting stage but given how we want to ramp up the difficulty over each act of the story, I can say one thing for certain already: She certainly doesn't bat an eye at playing rough with a lady! ^w~

Haven Update

Haven has been put on the backburner for a bit as we wrapped up the previous build. Based on Fabian's work I did some concepting work to steer the direction for the background art a bit more into the direction we envisioned.

It's really cool to see the characters I was working on standing around in the city!

Cistern Level Design

On the level design front, Null is knee-deep in designing the cisterns.

We've come up with some great ideas for the area to make it stand out from the rest. It will also be the area where Kincaid is going to get one of the abilities to unlock that you might remember from the demo.

Even though I don't have many visuals to show just yet, progress is definitely being made!

We're working on some additional artwork for the backgrounds, which is going to make the area stand out further from previous ones.

Accessibility & Localization Research

Some other less interesting things we worked on was reviewing the game in terms of accessibility.

A big question we get almost every week is (will this game be available in my language).

We do want to translate the game into as many languages as we can support, but there are so many aspects to it and the more we learn about it, the more intimidating it gets.

But we at least want to restructure the codebase in a way that will make it easier to expand new languages down the line.

That includes strings being read from other languages, fonts and also UI considerations.

This is a work in progress and at this point in time, aside from some sketches and experiments with UI and fonts, there isn't much to show.

The UI of the game is still lacking and before we want to design it further, at least the localization issues should be addressed.

Until next time!
Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Kobold City Cisterns

  • New small lewd animation

  • New CG scene

Long-term Projects

  • Soundtrack: New Soundtrack Additions

  • Haven: Working on backgrounds and props

  • Bat: A new major enemy




Thanks for the update! Loving the game so far, the animations, the music, the setting, characters, all of it! Top notch, guys, cant wait to see whats next! <3

yeah as if

Hi guys I just became a supporter, and id love to say I'm really enjoying it but... I cant seem to get past the 1st game screen where it says "press A" I'm on PC and have a keyboard and mouse so I press A and nothing happens, do I need a controller to play? or am I missing something?